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DRN0R3SPWN t1_jee4gka wrote

That's better in every way


Fantastic-Newspaper3 OP t1_jee4yoa wrote

Yep. They were actually the ones I wanted, initially. But after thinking a bit more about my wallet, I decided to downgrade.

So, receiving those was a really nice surprise :D


Dubsland12 t1_jefh01l wrote

They cost $1 more to manufacture


TheSeekerOfSanity t1_jegb9j7 wrote

Those punks got some racket going on there, see?

All these headphone manufacturers are clip joints, see?


Mountain-Shoe7443 t1_jef8tav wrote

Really nice you could have gone with trn mt4 instead of chu but who is to complain


YetAnotherWagie t1_jee59k3 wrote

Except for the nozzle size 🙃 (but that is subjective, for me the TE Zero's nozzle size is too big)


indonesian_ass_eater t1_jeeeiun wrote

Haha yeah, I have no issues with Hola and Hexa, but the Zeros just wont go in


kommanditbolag t1_jeefqum wrote

Oh they go in, but then the pain lasts an entire week.


dumbestsmartest t1_jeekjq9 wrote

Pain is temporary, good sound is forever.


kommanditbolag t1_jeem1yp wrote

In my small ear holes that ain't the truth.


dumbestsmartest t1_jeeo8bd wrote

I'm sorry. I honestly felt the same way the first week. After that they don't hurt unless I use them for more than 4hrs nonstop.


kommanditbolag t1_jegcnmt wrote

When my ears get irritated they start producing excess wax, so going a week with those things in would've blocked my ear canal lmao


FluroBlack t1_jeeweq4 wrote

Thats so weird. I never heard of them being a problem until this week lol.

I guess I just have big ear holes!


Compgeak t1_jef36mr wrote

I didn't know about the nozzle diameter when I ordered the zero. Too big for my ears, I had a similar issue with the moondrop quark even tho the nozzle is thinner. Etymotic ER2SE have even thinner nozzles and I find them much more comfortable despite the added depth. Either way, I got my zeros to seal with the smallest xelastec tips without pushing them all the way in making them comfortable enough to use.


Zaxer_ITA t1_jee7ml4 wrote

Agree, the only reason I got the Chus were the spring tips, which I find too short/shallow so I've ended up never using them.

I keep the Chus in my office for work calls, they're quite handy