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smalg2 t1_jcmh9of wrote

Not exactly, this change only concerns Android:

> In a statement to Rahman, Qualcomm confirmed Android OEMs don’t need to pay the company for licensing to access aptX and aptX HD encoders. They are now a part of the AOSP Apache license, and free to use. [...] This means any developer creating a custom Android-based ROM can now add support for Qualcomm aptX or aptX HD without ripping them from a licensed build.

But also:

> "As per our usual business processes, the licensing of aptX [will remain] unchanged apart from contributing the aptX and aptX HD encoders to AOSP."

So licensing fees are still required to use Qualcomm's aptX and aptX HD encoders outside of Android.


Happy_Phantom t1_jcn467t wrote

That's too bad, then, for lower-priced DAPs that feature HiByOS, Mango OS, or mTouch.


blorg t1_jcu8mja wrote

HiByOS is based on Android.