Submitted by Elpedro30 t3_120z2pq in headphones

i didn't listen to music for like 3 years because of mental illness, before that i was constantly with my headphones on my head and dreaming while listening to good music. i was lurking this subreddit for months, i was determined to buy the sony XM5 but too expansive for the first buy, so i said "why dont buy first pair of IEM" amazon courier dropped moondrop aria like 5 hours ago and im dreaming again with some good music shot in my head. IT'S AWESOME. this new addiction and mechanical keyboard will turn me broke. Love guys <3



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f3llyn t1_jdjybuj wrote

> this new addiction and mechanical keyboard will turn me broke. Love guys <3

At least you aren't into watches, too.




FastGecko5 t1_jdk2tvs wrote

Just wait until you get into 3d printing lol

Some of your other hobbies will get cheaper, but those savings will go into the printer...


f3llyn t1_jdk3swt wrote

I’m vaguely aware that those printers cost a lot and I’m not going to look into it any more than that.

I have poor impulse control.

(Just bought Meze 109 pros today on a whim)


FastGecko5 t1_jdk4edw wrote

Not to enable you but you can get started for less than $200 :)

(although I would spend a bit more and get something with auto-leveling, it's a godsend)


f3llyn t1_jdk4mpq wrote

I don’t have the space for it, honestly.


FastGecko5 t1_jdk55ve wrote

Fair enough. I only managed to get one because my partner wanted her desk somewhere else and it freed up space in the office.


cohrt t1_jdkqlf3 wrote

What are you using your 3d printer for? I feel like it’s something I’d use a lot for like a month then never again.


FastGecko5 t1_jdncfxj wrote

I've mainly just printed little decorations lol. I'm also building some 3d printed headphones and I'm currently printing shelf/desk hangers for my headphones

I do plan to print some stuff like screw trays and tool storage for my printer and such though. Also gonna try printing some shelf brackets.


Elpedro30 OP t1_jdjygnl wrote

I started 1 year ago. Still a noobie


fuzeebear t1_jdk0q95 wrote

It's only a matter of time before you have like 3 pairs of Air Max 90 in your closet


Elpedro30 OP t1_jdk0uq4 wrote

I hate that shoe ew


fuzeebear t1_jdk1bjj wrote

OK well I guess we're different. I have multiple pairs of that shoe and multiple pairs of Chi-fi earhugger IEMs (KZ ZEX Pro, ZSX) and in my mind they dovetail perfectly


Elpedro30 OP t1_jdk1kwj wrote

But we love watches and headphones. We can live in the same world *hug


fuzeebear t1_jdk1w1u wrote

Aw man, thanks for the hug, that was nice

Edit: I wouldn't say no to a nice Grand Seiko for free, but generally I don't like watches outside of a Suunto Core for hiking, and that's more like a wrist compass that tells time. So we're even


mistersprinkles1983 t1_jdos52o wrote

My dad is a big Seiko guy. Some Seiko watches are so beautiful. Personally I never got into watches even though i like them because they give me a rash on my wrist from the band. I've tried metal, leather, synthetic. Always a rash, so I look at the time on my phone.


LoneRanger21 t1_jdkofm2 wrote


Over a dozen watches and I'm still looking for my next fix.

It's a sickness I tells ya.


TheMisterTango t1_jdkravt wrote

Watches have seriously made me jaded when it comes to prices. People here talk about a $5k pair of headphones as if they’re unobtainium but I see a $5k watch and I think I could very reasonably save for that one day.


csch1992 t1_jdk0dop wrote

i own a pair of fiio fh5s and HD660s2 and they really made me love music. sometimes when i have a day off i could listen like 10 hours a day no problem. off course take care of your hearing!


Elpedro30 OP t1_jdk0i69 wrote

What do you mean by take care of my hearing ? Any advice to understand if the sound is too high ?


csch1992 t1_jdk0o9a wrote

just don't play music too loud. learn to enjoy the music at low volume


f3llyn t1_jdk3b05 wrote

Turn the volume down until you think it’s too quiet and let you hearing adjust. And then turn it down some more.


mistersprinkles1983 t1_jdorwbl wrote

Hey friend I just want to say I'm very sorry about your mental health struggles. I've had mental health problems for 25 years and have ended up in the psychiatric hospital more times than I can count. I hurts me to see other people suffer with this because I know how difficult it is. I love headphones and mechanical keyboards too. I have 3 blue switch keyboards and one brown switch keyboard. I can't type on regular membrane keyboards anymore.

If you're a PC gamer maybe we could do a few games of Overwatch 2 or Warthunder or something. Private message me if you're interested.

I hope you enjoy your IEM hobby :)


Elpedro30 OP t1_jdq51br wrote

Thank you brother. I’m not into gaming as before anymore, but you can send me a pm message and we can talk about it


unfitstew t1_jdp7x11 wrote

Haha I am glad you are enjoying it! Now listen to all your favorites on it! It is like experiencing the songs all over again. Enjoy!

But if you want the advise many here don't follow (I don't haha). Enjoy it and never look up other iems/headphones. Your wallet will thank you that way.


ArticulateBackpacker t1_jdk9ojk wrote

Had the same experience, bought Moondrop Arias as my first "good" IEMs in 20 years, rekindled music enjoyment for me.

Next came the Blessing2 Dusks, ER2XR, HD 6xx, Qudelix 5k, Meze 99 Noirs..... now jonesing for the Hifiman Edition XS...


WatchAndEatPopcorn t1_jdku49g wrote

How are the B2s compared to the ER2XR?


ArticulateBackpacker t1_jdmdaqo wrote

Different animals.

Big difference physically. The Etys have that deep insertion that bothers some folks. The result is excellent isolation, and very little sticking out from your ear. The B2D, on the other hand, is a chonker of an IEM. I messed with multiple sets of tips until I found the right fit. YMMV but with the right tips the isolation is also solid. I could wear the Etys longer, ie a long plane ride. I've fallen asleep with both (though not recommended).

ER2XR cable isn't detachable/ replaceable, and it's very thin. No complaints about it though. Overall, it is a much smaller, lighter package. B2D stock cable is kinda meh, but there are multiple options to swap it out (including ones with microphones, or balanced 2.5mm connectors if that's your thing).

Not sure I'm qualified to accurately describe or offer much opinion about their sound comparison. Both resolve well, especially at their respective price tags. Bass is more present on the B2D, generally a fuller sound overall.

I reach for the B2D (or my Arias) more often than the Etys, but they were 3x-4x the price...


WatchAndEatPopcorn t1_jdo2i7i wrote

Thanks for the breakdown! I have an ER2SE and love it, but curious what could sound better and maybe be more convenient.

If people sleep with earplugs, I don’t see why not!