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f3llyn t1_jdjybuj wrote

> this new addiction and mechanical keyboard will turn me broke. Love guys <3

At least you aren't into watches, too.




FastGecko5 t1_jdk2tvs wrote

Just wait until you get into 3d printing lol

Some of your other hobbies will get cheaper, but those savings will go into the printer...


f3llyn t1_jdk3swt wrote

I’m vaguely aware that those printers cost a lot and I’m not going to look into it any more than that.

I have poor impulse control.

(Just bought Meze 109 pros today on a whim)


FastGecko5 t1_jdk4edw wrote

Not to enable you but you can get started for less than $200 :)

(although I would spend a bit more and get something with auto-leveling, it's a godsend)


f3llyn t1_jdk4mpq wrote

I don’t have the space for it, honestly.


FastGecko5 t1_jdk55ve wrote

Fair enough. I only managed to get one because my partner wanted her desk somewhere else and it freed up space in the office.


cohrt t1_jdkqlf3 wrote

What are you using your 3d printer for? I feel like it’s something I’d use a lot for like a month then never again.


FastGecko5 t1_jdncfxj wrote

I've mainly just printed little decorations lol. I'm also building some 3d printed headphones and I'm currently printing shelf/desk hangers for my headphones

I do plan to print some stuff like screw trays and tool storage for my printer and such though. Also gonna try printing some shelf brackets.


Elpedro30 OP t1_jdjygnl wrote

I started 1 year ago. Still a noobie


fuzeebear t1_jdk0q95 wrote

It's only a matter of time before you have like 3 pairs of Air Max 90 in your closet


Elpedro30 OP t1_jdk0uq4 wrote

I hate that shoe ew


fuzeebear t1_jdk1bjj wrote

OK well I guess we're different. I have multiple pairs of that shoe and multiple pairs of Chi-fi earhugger IEMs (KZ ZEX Pro, ZSX) and in my mind they dovetail perfectly


Elpedro30 OP t1_jdk1kwj wrote

But we love watches and headphones. We can live in the same world *hug


fuzeebear t1_jdk1w1u wrote

Aw man, thanks for the hug, that was nice

Edit: I wouldn't say no to a nice Grand Seiko for free, but generally I don't like watches outside of a Suunto Core for hiking, and that's more like a wrist compass that tells time. So we're even


mistersprinkles1983 t1_jdos52o wrote

My dad is a big Seiko guy. Some Seiko watches are so beautiful. Personally I never got into watches even though i like them because they give me a rash on my wrist from the band. I've tried metal, leather, synthetic. Always a rash, so I look at the time on my phone.


LoneRanger21 t1_jdkofm2 wrote


Over a dozen watches and I'm still looking for my next fix.

It's a sickness I tells ya.


TheMisterTango t1_jdkravt wrote

Watches have seriously made me jaded when it comes to prices. People here talk about a $5k pair of headphones as if they’re unobtainium but I see a $5k watch and I think I could very reasonably save for that one day.