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sawtoothmassacre t1_jbh4gf9 wrote

How does one go about replacing the filter? Do you have to take the housing apart? Also curious if you noticed any increase in the bass levels after using the Olina filters.


thebardofdoom t1_jbh92tq wrote

The filters come with a set of tweezers, and just hitting the side of one of the preinstalled ones is enough to remove the old ones. No disassembly except removing the ear tips. May take a few tries to do but even an adequately steady hand can manage this.

The Olina filters are a soft, gauzy thing that are easy to bend, so it’s good that they include 12 in a package. They just stick on with an adhesive ring in the same place as the metal ones you removed.

I didn’t notice much of any change to the bass. The overall tonality is certainly warmer, but that may be from a loss of some of that treble spike. That much I can definitely say is affected.


sawtoothmassacre t1_jbhlloq wrote

Just ordered a set of filters and gonna give this a go. Thanks for the detailed reply!