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ocic t1_jd7xdxd wrote

Reply to comment by NormalAccounts in IEM gangbang by Jmo04

Thanks for replying. Glad to hear your general perspective on the A12t. Is the MX module worth the extra money? I really dislike how expensive their modules are... it feels like they should all be included at the price 64 Audio is charging.

My plan was to run the M15 or M20, likely for the bass, but I also enjoy a bit of balance.

For reference, one of my favorite systems is a pair of 8351b with their matched subs. I do have the treble turned down a hair and the bass turned up a notch, though. Very neutral, but very engaging studio monitors.


NormalAccounts t1_jd9mh0q wrote

Your fine as is! I only got the MX a few years later. You can get third party modules from Fir audio as well that are cheaper and do something similar, but especially with your preference, the m15 and m20 will be fine