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SiegwardZwiebelbrudi t1_iuh87pk wrote

I think the question here is, why do you own seven pairs of headphones, but no amp?


Wellhellob t1_iuhi341 wrote

Better than owning a $200 headphone and $1000 dac


drdfrster64 t1_iuimp4f wrote

Me browsing head-fi forums: this $2000 amp is way better than my other $2000 amp for my favorite and only headphones, the HD6XX


iAmmar9 t1_iuick78 wrote

Damn. Bro is qualified to answer the question


StanKukin t1_iuisdnw wrote

Ain’t nothin wrong with getting a good dac/amp and going through the headphones progression. At least one variable will be fixed.


Shiro_Hayate t1_iuiv5sx wrote

Something is wrong w/ this mindset. I see it akin to those who buy gym clothes before being "worthy" to spend the money, and same with vehicle modifications.

The time and money are better put elsewhere first: on the thing that actually gives you performance (yourself with working out, the vehicle for modifications, and the headphone in this case.)

You guys do you though. If everyone was like me the world's economy would've tanked decades ago lol


StanKukin t1_iuivej4 wrote

You overthink it a bit, pal. Relax and don’t make assumptions on a single sentence. Happy listening.


Shiro_Hayate t1_iuiwcmj wrote

I'll always be overthinking; it's why I get paid :')


StanKukin t1_iujjkyo wrote

Welll. In that case. How about overthinking that thought in another direction. What if that is like buying super specialized gym gear when you only started lifting. It won’t help you get stronger it might actually prevent you from building your technique. Your technique is your audio source and headphones are your specialized gear. Just another/ alternative way to take this thought.


NaZul15 t1_iujcuzc wrote

When it comes to vehicle mods, i would do brakes, suspension etc before increasing "performance" tbh


Chiarence t1_iui4ng6 wrote

Apple dongle is enough

No cap


SiegwardZwiebelbrudi t1_iui4qeu wrote

crinacle said so, and he is always right


Chiarence t1_iui4zfv wrote

The ief neutral with sub-bass boost tuner


AV1611-FOSS t1_iuk1p1n wrote

No, Crinical is just one guy. The DAC matters.

From 50 years of being a music lover and high end HiFi guy, all of this matters.

A good DAC drives headphones better and resolves better. It is just a fact Minimum of an Audioquest Dragonfly Red, and up from there is where I recommend to begin.


Eyecibus t1_iui8bpf wrote

That guy has almost single handedly destroyed truth in headphones. Just another grifting pos on the internet.


SiegwardZwiebelbrudi t1_iui9gl5 wrote

honestly i don't even have a lot of insight in what crinacle says, sometimes its sound critique and sometimes, like in case of the "you don't need an amp" video, i know where he is coming from, but clearly he just gets the camera rolling and starts talking.

thing is sometimes i want to give good advice myself and it hurts when somebody uses a link to a crinacle video to refute something you say.


Gamer_Bread_Baker t1_iuii5gq wrote

What was the TL;DR of his video? Does the apple dongle work well enough for everything?


SiegwardZwiebelbrudi t1_iuimiqk wrote

yes, but he does mention that there are fringe cases, doesn't mention that there are loads of fringe cases though


PsilocybinCube t1_iuj8ala wrote

I feel like an apple dongle with a 4 pin xlr connector would be a funny audiophile product. Ridiculous, overkill, and I want it!