Submitted by Symp07 t3_ygj71e in headphones

Dunu SA6 Ultra x Z Reviews was limited because apparently Dunu only had 300 pieces of blue and red faceplates, but Dunu can easily recreate SA6 Ultra with different faceplates, name, and without the Z Reviews branding and accessories like the Dekoni eartips. The original SA6 is in need for an update and it just doesn't make sense for the updated version to be limited. No brand has ever made updated version limited, imagine if the Blessing 2 Dusk was limited it wouldn't make sense. Every brand has capitalized on their popular products, just look at the number of versions on Shuoer S12, Tin Hifi P1, Moondrop Aria, even the 7Hz Timeless will be releasing a new AE version, all these updated versions from various brands are not limited. Dunu would not waste this opportunity to capitalize on their most popular product, it's in the nature of businesses for their survival. The regular release can be named SA6 Ultra but with different packaging, without the "x Z Reviews" on the box and different faceplates. Do wait a few months for the regular release of Dunu SA6 Ultra.



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TRX808 t1_iu8rtxt wrote

I don't know what to make of this incoherent rambling but I agree there's no way the SA6 Ultra will be a limited run. It's just marketing hype to push sales.


Fine_Land t1_iu8v0rd wrote

Imagine buying something like a limited edition car, sports memorabilia, or anything collectable that has a serial number as proof of how limited it is. You purchase it because of how limited it is because the company has promised that you are in an elite group of people who will be owning whatever it is due to how limited the product is. Then later down the road the company releases more of what you purchased causing your purchase to loose collector value because it is no longer limited. People will loose faith in the company as a whole because they falsely advertised a limited product that they even took time to put a serial number on.

The SA6 Ultra is limited to 300 and each unit has its production number stamped on the side as proof of how limited it is. They wouldn't be able to release another batch without stepping on the toes of those who purchased it as a limited product. Even if they did a different color it would still take away from the uniqueness and collector value because the tuning, packaging, contents of the package, and accessories were all part of what was advertised as the limited production run. If Dunu wanted to maintain how limited the Ultra is they would need to release a product that would be similar but different enough to maintain the collector value of those who purchased it.


Symp07 OP t1_iu8wtv0 wrote

Which is why the suggestion is to drop the Z Reviews branding, the regular release of Dunu SA6 Ultra wouldn't have any production number. The analogy comparing it to collectibles only makes sense if it was priced at a premium because the opportunity cost of losing future sales is priced into the premium price, and usually collectibles are not too different from the regular product, meaning collectibles tend to be in a different colour but with similar specs, especially for electronics. Reason is because electronic products had to be updated with better specs as technology advances hence making the updated version a collectible wouldn't be sensible from business perspective. It wouldn't affect Dunu's PR even if they choose to release new batches because there will be more than 300 people who are interested in it and ultimately in business the decisions are taken to satisfy majority of customers. In fact, not continuing the SA6 Ultra would be bad PR and it affects Dunu's revenues which is crucial for their R&D costs.


barrycro t1_iu9hcxs wrote

This is exactly why limited editions work. They hooked you. It is unobtainium so it must be great. I have the og SA6 and it is very good. The ultra may offer some measure of improvement. Dunu I am sure will use the results of this collaboration to develop product in the future. All that said I have earphones I enjoy more that are on both sides of the cost spectrum. My point is don’t pine for a love affair that you cannot have. Find a love that is available to you.


ritzk9 t1_iua95i4 wrote

Which ones do you enjoy more


barrycro t1_iuaisum wrote

for less expensive the penon serial is fuller with much better bass but still crisp up top. for more expensive both the Andromeda and Solaris are great for me. used you can get either of those for about the same price as the ultra


Banana_Whip t1_iuch06l wrote

OMEGALUL Dunu SA6 Ultra Printer Go Brrr


NeonEonIon t1_iu8sa51 wrote

I don't think it would work like that. Zeos tuned it and he is being compensated with 60$ per piece. I mean i guess it could work if they come to a new agreement.

A lot of us stuff was chosen by zeos in the final package for example he mentioned the graphic design of the box was done by one of his subscribers, He wanted dekoni tips in the box, which it came with.

So dunu would have to revamp a lot of things if doing it with dropped x Z reviews tags.

So I am guessing they would simply make new batches.


Symp07 OP t1_iu8uxqk wrote

The design of the box would be the easiest change, people wouldn't be bothered even if it's a plain box with the name on the front and specs on the back, just drop the Dekoni tips, all other accessories would remain the same. Change the faceplates since the red and blue faceplates are associated with Z Reviews. The point being it should never be made limited regardless of new batches. The tuning is not exclusive, everyone can see the graph and other brands can even copy it. The agreement is drafted to Dunu's advantage, Dunu has the full control of their product, that's how collab works.


NeonEonIon t1_iu8whh4 wrote

I agree with the physical stuff but tuning is something else. Granted i don't know anything about collabs. But zeos is currently being paid via a royalty model. I don't think they would be able to sell the same tuning without compensating him somehow unless it is a one and done deal and zeos has no problems with it or the contracts allow it or something.


Symp07 OP t1_iu8y5bg wrote

Agree it's all about the contracts, now that it's sold out perhaps Zeos can tell us about it. But again I believe that the tuning is not exclusive to Zeos because it cannot be copyrighted when literally every brand has access to its graph, that's like trying to sue a competitor because their product sounded similar, if the physical design is similar then there might be a case which is why changing the faceplates while keeping the same tuning would work.


SaganWorship t1_iu993oy wrote

I don’t think you understand how this kind of thing works. First, the FR graph isn’t what’s being “copyrighted” here, it’s the physical damping/construction/tuning/changes to the drivers/whatever else physical characteristics Zeos worked with them to change that is exclusive to the collab contract with him, not the result of all that work and those changes. Second, it would be an idiotic contract indeed for Zeos to have signed that doesn’t protect all those things from being used ever again without compensating him. They can’t just change a color and say “tee-hee this different product now lolz” and go back to selling it. We don’t know the contents of their contract but even a minimally competent lawyer would’ve made sure there was language in that contract preventing exactly what you’re talking about here.


No-Context5479 t1_iu9lrkh wrote

Uhm they're limited editions... And I hope they don't release any more
