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brndtt00 OP t1_iuhxcen wrote

So I installed the Hi-Res Audio sticker close to my phone's 3.5mm jack connector.

And.....OH BOY, it's like a whole different new world, I sold my D90SE/A90 combo, because this blows it out of the water. Plugged my 10 bucks IEM and it's literally sounds better than my HD800s.

But onto the review:

Bass: it's TEXTURED!! The best bass I've ever heard, it has body, goes down to like 2hz easily, my IEM shaking my while body, even my neighbor could feel the sub bass with this upgrade.

Mids: The mids became so so natural it's almost feels like the artist singing right in front of me, it's so chocolately, so unattached, separates itself from the lows and highs so well.

Highs: Probably the best part for me, my 10 bucks IEM has a but of sibilance, but it's gone, now it's sounds better than the U18T, I just only imagine how it'd sound with a better IEM, it even made my ultrasone edition 11's treble so smooth and non fatiguing.

Soundstage: With this, the soundstage of my IEM became better than the ESL-13A which is the best soundstage/imaging speaker I've ever heard, but it's just not a competition here, the Hi-Res upgrade sticker beats the crap out of the Martin Logans.

As you can se the sticker is slightly not in the center of the output, it's because my right ear is a little less sensitive than my left one, so I out it off center so I could hear balanced.

So in conclusion, this is the best audio upgrade I've ever did, and it's highly recommended, just be sure to out the sticker as close to the 3.5mm jack as possible, because it could make sounds worse if the distance is too big.


ReekyRumpFedRatsbane t1_iuig121 wrote

Did it make them sound more musical, though?


brndtt00 OP t1_iuigdlu wrote

Yes, absolutely, you just have to think about hard enough, and it makes it real


Egoexpo t1_iuj99we wrote



brndtt00 OP t1_iuja0po wrote

I swear I read that in an actual review, but can't remember where, or maybe I just saw it in a meme.