Submitted by Mike9x9 t3_ygklpf in headphones

For 2-3 years now I had Razer Hammerhead TWS earbuds…I read online they sound TERRIBLE according to reviews. I started reading the reviews for them cuzI got a pair of EPOS GTW 270 Hybrid from my wife as a gift which are currently the only that have usb C dongle for gaming…

Reading online these have grear sound quality but no matter what I choose as sound profile they sound bad to me…I can hear the Razer are silly overbassed compared to the EPOS but still feel disappointed in the sound quality because reviewers say they are great…

I can hear much more stuff in songs than before and I can hear they sound great in many things but all the songs feel flat with no bass now but could the jump from that much bass feel like I hear almost none?

Could I just ruin myself with the Razers and cannot appretiate the EPOS now? Should I ask for replacement unit to see if its the same? All settings I change are noticeably different so I feel like they are working properly…

If I use them for some time will I get used to it and appretiate the quality?



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rhalf t1_iu9f5gq wrote

You are simply used to the sound, you were listening for years. That's how it works. Stay open for new experiences, listen to live performance, give the new sound a chance for a while, or just stick with what you have. Whatever makes you happy.


szakee t1_iu8y9an wrote

in the end, you like and use whatever makes you happy.


Mike9x9 OP t1_iu8z4d5 wrote

Sorry but my question really wasnt answered by that…


szakee t1_iu8zdo8 wrote

no you can't. you get used to one sound signature, you can get used to another one.


Toronto-Will t1_iu93qc4 wrote

No but it answers a different, better question: does it matter if you don’t like the headphone other people think is “better”.

Don’t be envious of people on this sub who appreciate the sound of $2k headphone run through $1k amps, it’s a very expensive acquired taste, and I’m not sure at the end of the day that we actually enjoy listening to music more than the kid in a high school stairwell splitting the left and right earbuds with a friend. Ignorance is bliss.

Edit: since you mentioned gaming, let me add that ignorance is not bliss with games, better headphones can be a real quality of life improvement. And that’s what lured me into the premium headphone world; appreciating the difference it made for music came second.


Mike9x9 OP t1_iu941k2 wrote

I feel like I now don’t like the Razers anymore as I can hear how much bass there is and I hate it now…and thats after one day with the EPOS…on the other hand I still have second thoughts about the EPOS if the sound I hear I like or dont…


Dust-by-Monday t1_iu9ap2d wrote

So here’s the deal. Since you’re used to massive amounts of bass, it’s going to seem like the new headphones are lacking bass, however, keep listening to the new ones and eventually you’ll grow to like the bass quality vs quantity.

Keep at it and before you know it you won’t be able to go back to your old headphones and they’ll sound like trash by comparison.


Mike9x9 OP t1_iu9bzag wrote

They do sound rly bad now to me…I tried the old ones multiple times and also my wifes ones and I rly hate the crazy amount of bass now…I guess I just need to get used to the new ones.

Thank you for your reply!


Rogue-Architect t1_iu9mioe wrote

My suggestion would be to listen to only the new ones for a whole week so that your brain can burn in to the new sound. After that if you still feel them lacking, get yourself equalize APO and Peace GUI and EQ them. EQ is an amazing tool and much more effective when using parametric EQ. If you think the new headphones sound good but just lack some bass you can add a 2-4 db low shelf filter at 105-200 hz and that might really get you where you want to go.

That is the AutoEQ profile for your headphones. Interestingly it looks like it actually removes some bass but all of that is up to you. My suggestion if you like bass would be to plug in those values in Peace and then just raise the 105 hz low shelf filter up to your liking. Just make sure to add extra negative preamp if you decide to do this. You can see how much to add by clicking the visual graph of the EQ and match the number in the top right as a negative preamp offset. If you have more questions let me know.


Mike9x9 OP t1_iu9msj5 wrote

Thank you kind stranger! I will do that


Rogue-Architect t1_iu9n8ho wrote

Just added the EQ profile link and extra info in my first comment


Panchenima t1_iu9t272 wrote

1st i have some hammerheads and they sound great for "cheap" earphones, on par with others i have from sennheiser and the like

2nd the reviews are very biased, sometimes a publisher or reviewer can praise something only to come a year later and bashit, i use them as a small reference for what to espect and for mesurable information, but there' a lot that is subjetable so not a good place to trust

And finally there's your taste, maybe you like a bassier sound, maybe the epos are for calls and not music so the equalization is not for you, there's a lot to take in about how they sound.

You can use a equalizer app on your cellpnone or PC to try'n fix what you don't like about them.