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hurtyewh t1_itujv4m wrote

They're not extremely bright to the average listener. +3db between 2-3kHz and 5-6kHz with a similar similar bump from 100-500Hz is not extremely bright for individuals with treble sensitivity or an ear canal resonance matching the peaks. For most people they are perfectly fine and OP EQ'd those out already so that has nothing to do with the topic.


justaalawstudent OP t1_ituygcz wrote

K702 (even if EQd) not properly amped just sound very bad imo. Lackluster both in high and low end. When properly amped I did love their sound signature but for some reason am finding them too bright after adding the E30II and have no idea if it's true, placebo, E30II really is bright when it shouldn't be... I don't know.


hurtyewh t1_itv4b4f wrote

Do you use a Harman preset with some other headphones and don't find them bright?


justaalawstudent OP t1_itv8kpz wrote

Yes, I did it with my Sennheiser PC38X which is supposed to be very neutral, actually (according to Crinacle). Did not find them bright at all.


hurtyewh t1_itvfl1j wrote

Sounds very strange. I wonder if there is unit variation or something or could the EQ values not be correct? Hard for me to imagine that when EQ'd they would be considered bright by many. You can also lower the overall treble with one of the bands, right?