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BionicSammich t1_itz4hg9 wrote

I found that AutoEQ made a huge difference for me with my K702s. I find myself using them more than my HD6XX now. And I only found it when Crinacle just did a quick demo of it in passing in one if his videos. It makes a mild improvement to my HD6XX, but the difference with the K702s was massive. I know a lot of people don't like the idea of EQing (I was one if them) but it's free and it can be an improvement.

Edit: Also, if you want to try keep it as close to stock sounding just for the sake of it, make a copy of that EQ profile and just start moving the siders back towards 0. If you don't like it, just put it back to the value it was. I find even all the K702 really needs is a reduction in the 2000hz range. That gets rid of most of the harshness.