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charan799 OP t1_iud29iy wrote

I've been using them for sometime and I think they're underrated closed back. I bought these at $350 but with custom taxes and shipping to get these to India I ended up paying $473.

After I started listening to them I thought these would benefit from a balanced cable so I paid another $85 to get a balanced cable. Actually running them balanced makes them sound better, there is a significant amount of increase in clarity and you get more, better and controlled bass, midrange gets more forwarded and vocals sound clearer. With balanced connection it's usually better seperation and dynamics but this headphone requires balanced to absolutely sound their best.

The general sound signature is very warm but also natural, these stay away from bright treble very smooth and soft in that area, great for longer listening periods. It's a v shape tuning so you are not going to do analytical listening, these don't have full bodied sound that you get with something that has more midrange. These are just fun and they're super fun to listen to.

The bass is prominent and a highlight of this headphone, the bass will rumble very hard and if you keep making them louder they'll literally shake on your head, it extends into deep sub bass levels. Treble never crosses the line of being sharp while being very detailed very clean and clear.

As you can tell by looking at the picture these are huge, they have massive cups so the soundstage also sounds huge and very wide and holographic too, I'd say depth could be even better but sounds come from everywhere.

These can produce a lot of details without being analytical I haven't heard anything at this price so I do not know if these are technically as good as other hifiman line up at this price but I'm sure these are very competent.

The build quality is good although they could've made using wooden cups instead of plastic, the pads are soft and comfortable.

So yeah I'd say at this price point even after paying taxes and paying extra for a balanced cable I'd say these are worth it just for pure enjoyment listening they can make everything sound great. They can make Spotify sound like you're listening to flac and a youtube video sound like Dolby Atmos they're absurdly fun you'll never get bored even after hours and hours of continuous listening. I'm sorry if this is too long I just want to be thorough.


samaxemaga t1_iud5dy4 wrote

Need to use paragraphs. Hard to read. Did you have a question??

What dac or amp?


Lelouch25 t1_iudkry5 wrote

Very detailed write up thanks 🙏 .


Chok3U t1_iue6vk0 wrote

I for one thank you for the use of paragraphs, commas/periods, and capital letters. You don't see that much around here.

As for the headphones, they're ugly. Lol


charan799 OP t1_iue7jk0 wrote

They are huge, but the paint job is really nice though, it's sparkly like new car. You would look weird as fuck while wearing these outdoors.


The_D0lph1n t1_iueikfv wrote

Yup, these are bass cannons. I'd say at the 370 USD price point, they're a competitive option if you're looking for maximum bass headphones and you don't mind the hilarious ergonomics. The bass extends deep, it hits hard, and there's a lot of it. I recently heard a Fostex TH-900mk2 Sapphire Blue with ZMF pads, and I think the R9 does bass better. The Fostex had a lot of bass, but it lacked impact and sounded "slow" or "soft", like being whacked by a plush pillow.

I generally agree with your treble assessment, though I wouldn't call it "V-shaped" given that it doesn't have the treble elevation that I would consider to be V-shaped. It has enough treble to avoid being dark sounding though, so it's generally done well. The bass is very prominent, and everything else is fine. This combo allows the bass to take center stage, without making the bass muddy. It's also extremely comfortable.


NYCrucial t1_iufmv4c wrote

Unless I had a bad copy I personally thought these sounded harrible. Weird W shaped FR and just off sounding, dynamics were compressed, good bass, weird semi veiled and closed off mid range and a sharp treble at least that's how my ears perceived them lol. Glad you like them tho, to each there own.


AntOk463 t1_iuhamub wrote

I've been saying this for years, black with dark red looks stunning. It didn't master if it's on headphones, on cars, or whatever.


bored_ranger t1_iudluno wrote

Do you have any other headphones that you can compare them against?


charan799 OP t1_iue1aas wrote

Not at this price but I've sivga Robin sv021. It's $150.


sonde722 t1_iuf0rhk wrote

How does the bass compare? I’ve heard the Robins tend to be bass heavy


charan799 OP t1_iugogev wrote

R9 has more bass, it extends deeper, it hits harder and it's very detailed and textured compared to Robin.


matefeedkillrepeat_8 t1_iui5hc9 wrote

I've heard that type of hifiman headband is extremely uncomfortable, is it true?


The_D0lph1n t1_iuidnl2 wrote

At least on the R9, I would entirely disagree with that assessment. It was extremely comfortable to me when I tried it, and my wife also mentioned how comfortable it was when she tried it. The comfort may vary with implementation though, as most of the comfort issues I've seen with that headband are on the Edition XS, which is a significantly heavier headphone.


charan799 OP t1_iuiwoxu wrote

I can only speak for R9 and it's very comfortable, no issues.