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PutPineappleOnPizza t1_iud7xfq wrote

How are the SA6? They look so nice and I would love to own a pair one day.


philosophyisawesome OP t1_iuddyil wrote

Yeah they were pretty great while I had them.

Major take-aways: much smaller (including nozzle) than most of the competition—therefore great fit. Good bass for a full-BA set. Good resolution (but there are better). Very intimate—little "soundstage". Even though the bass-BA is "vented", these still wear like sealed IEM I feel (might be uncomfortable. YMMV)
I also drew a great color combo for them—blue/green. Many people get mostly orange ones, but those can look nice too.


PutPineappleOnPizza t1_iudetr8 wrote

I always wonder what a little soundstage in IEMs means because the stage for IEMs is generally smaller.. How do they separate the sound? I love good separation and at least sort of a three point soundstage.


philosophyisawesome OP t1_iudi201 wrote

Yeah…I’m afraid not a lot of separation either? The S8 that I compared them to were just way better for that, but also too “sterile” at the same time. The SA6 had great punch and “grit”. Worked well for metal :)