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trbd003 t1_iuf24qy wrote

I could literally never spend that much money on a pair of headphones I have not tried. And I just don't understand people who do, either. Is there really a hobby in blind-buying expensive headphones just to own them?

I have 6 pairs but they were bought to fulfil purposes that I identified through hearing about them and confirmed by listening to them. And I didn't always buy the ones I'd heard about.

I started with HD650s and HD25s because I inherited them from my dad (the HD25s were his in-flight headphones from Concorde, they're still branded). I found the 650s often sounding very dull with a lot of music I like, so I bought Grado RS2Es which compensate well on that front and also add a bit of a spatial separation which I enjoyed enough to decide I wanted them. That said they majorly lack deep bass and I found myself wanting something that could really do sub bass properly, which Audeze were a clear contender for, and after lots of testing I arrived at the LCD-2 closed back, being my favourite. So I bought that. I also have Sony MX4s (over ear) for flying as they are ANC. I liked their sound a lot but didn't want to always carry the big case around for my daily commute, so I bought the in ear version as well.

What I'm getting at here is that every purchase was made as the result of me identifying that I wanted something specific, and trying multiple models to identify which one did that best for me. I have never just gone and bought headphones off the cuff because to me there is simply no point. I don't understand what you gain.


philosophyisawesome OP t1_iug0l1w wrote

Thanks—good advice. I’ve listend to the Aryas before and liked them. However, I’m mostly wondering whether or not I’ll actually use them enough to justify their cost… Might just sit this one out and reconsider in a couple of months.