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slooploop2 OP t1_iu4mz02 wrote

I have no idea to be nicer than this, but I have an entire section detailing other cheap planar options, linked an amazing resource to discover different vintage headphones to research, and mentioned twice in the review that I think a $15 KSC75 sounds more normal than the HE400SE and also recommended the $40 Creative Aurvana Live. The purpose of the second half of the last paragraph is to say you can get better sound for cheaper.

Portapro also works for those that want a darker sound.

I’ve heard other things easy to find used that also work, but I know many people have an aversion to buying used so only offer that option to people that really want to experience the planar experience. If you’re actually shopping in the price range, the DT880 is apparently under $200 now, the AKG K612 is an interesting alternative but current refurb prices for the HD560S are more compelling.