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blargh4 t1_iu1cao9 wrote

It's normal that new headphones will sound weird if your ears are very used to some other set. I'm guessing the Corsair has kind of a muddy low-end focused tuning, based on my general experience with gaming headsets, so a bright set of cans might be quite jarring. But if you listen to your DT770s for a while, your ears will likely habituate to their sound, and then your headset may start to sound weird and tubby/muddy to you. I'd give them some time.

Or maybe bright headphones just aren't for you. I personally prefer a more laid back sound too. They can almost certainly be tamed with EQ.


Anx_DB OP t1_iu1djfu wrote

>i was kind of prepared for getting used to a new sound stage
and knew it would take some getting used to
but what i currently hear sounds like a cheap ali express headsets that's just no studio or any audio enthusiast would ever use


blargh4 t1_iu1fx7g wrote

Well, it's possible. Headphones are easy to counterfeit so if you perhaps got them from some 3rd party Amazon seller or whatever, they could very well be fake.


The thing with headphones is that since they basically create a tiny room with your ear (a physical audio filter) as the main piece of furniture within, your individual ears have a significant effect on how you perceive headphones, so what works well for other people may very well be unpleasant for you (which is why I personally do not buy HPs I haven't heard or wouldn't be able to easily return/resell without taking a loss). I personally really don't get along with headphones that produce excess response around 5-6KHz or so, which is where the DT770 seems to have a sizable peak, so like many headphones that a lot of other people like, I suspect I'd personally find DT770s intolerably shrill.

But pretty much all headphones can also be greatly improved by EQ, so I suggest installing EqualizerAPO and trying to tame the offending frequency response peak before writing them off, they could very well transform into terrific headphones for you. Of course, you can't use EQ with every source, so maybe they're just a bad fit for you. Oratory1990's presets are usually a good starting point:


Anx_DB OP t1_iu1jv02 wrote

so some EQ did help quite a bit (Thanks btw)

but its still kind of harsh talking to people in discord for example...

about them being fake.. I really don't think that would be possible.. I bout them on a audio store in Paris that has multiple store locations in all of France and has over 1K google reviews with mostly 4-5 stars


ww_abuser t1_iu33ycj wrote

I tried the 770's and had the same experience. I only liked the bass extension. I tried 35 headphones and these were the most BLAND.

BLAND is the word I would use to describe them.