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Memorycard1000 t1_itkpdh3 wrote

That cat needs some eq. Too much treble and unbalanced meow.


JustcallmeSoul OP t1_itkpmlq wrote

You can tell it's unbalanced by the way that one ear isn't facing correctly forward. Definitely needs a tad more bass.


Memorycard1000 t1_itkpxb3 wrote

Nawh 😁


JustcallmeSoul OP t1_itkq2wn wrote

See it's funny because Bass is also a fish and cats eat fish.


Gofa_Kirselph t1_itop90e wrote

Ohhhhhhh. I didn’t get it at first because you pronounced bass as bass. While bass is pronounced as bass to describe bass and not bass. Do you see the difference?