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dongas420 t1_it48g8r wrote

The pad swap brings up the upper mids to correct the suckout/lack of presence that the Elear suffers from, though it goes a bit past neutral and ends up sounding forward. The bass loses some oomph, but enough of the original slam is retained that you may or may not mind depending on your bass preferences. If you've got a problem with the Elear sounding too intense at high volumes, using Clear pads might potentially exacerbate that, though I don't have complaints about sibilance myself. Tuning-wise, the Elear w/ Clear pads are neutral-ish but upper-mid-forward and bright-leaning, basically existing to listen to J-pop with, though it'll sound at least okay with most stuff that's thrown at it.


BDTDSQ OP t1_it4cpuq wrote

Thanks for more helpful input. The Clear pads are on sale for $79 pair. Although that's not cheap, it seems to fall inline generally with other after market pad, Dekoni pads etc. I might consider them. I can always put the originals back on. Albeit after losing 80 bucks. Well see. Thanks for the info