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ArkhamKnight0708 t1_iuj6sf5 wrote

The vast majority of people have lived theirs, me included. Comfort is a little off but I've gotten used to it. They are incredible sounding and built well


bagelbites29 t1_iuj7dce wrote

I love them. They sound almost ethereal to me for some reason and I can’t put my finger on why. Comfort is not the best but you get used to it. Nice sound signature too.


QuatreMyr t1_iujbz9a wrote

I had to EQ the bass down because I personally enjoy flat bass, but after that and finding the tips that fit me, there's nothing else to complain about. (And I bet most people aren't complaining about too much bass)


burgersanddepression OP t1_iujfvkb wrote

Beautiful. What do you use as your source? I tried my Apple dongle with seinheisers 580’s and it didn’t seem to improve or add any loudness. I know a dac won’t improve my sound per say, but I did go to a lot of concerts as a kid and I always feel I need another 10-15 percent V (at least on Bluetooth AirPods, and of course the 580’s)


bagelbites29 t1_iujhdwd wrote

Your main issue is going to be the amp, not the dac. Apple dongle has a fairly decent dac in it, but not a whole bunch of power. With IEMs and a lot of headphones you don’t need a super powerful amp so something small and portable that can also be used at the desk is what I would recommend. BTR7, Hip dac, topping g5, and you’re set for good honestly. If you want to go cheaper, there are several good portable options around $100, and if you don’t care about portability, a $100 amp would probably be just fine for you. It all depends on your needs really.

I have a IEMagni and Modi 3+, but I find that for most situations, my Corsair wave xlr interface works fine and there’s not a whole bunch of difference as long as I’m not critically listening. It takes up less space and I can monitor my mic at the same time too. I primarily use my headphones at my desk and game a lot and talk in discord so the interface works best for me. Though I find myself really wanting one of those portable dac amps I mentioned so I can listen to music in other parts of the house. Your use case may be different though.


QuatreMyr t1_iuk8c7i wrote

The Dioko didn't exist when I got my Timeless, and looking at comparison graphs, it would not have helped at all, I'd still need to EQ the bass down by the same amount, the graphs end up at the same spot at 20hz. All that would have changed is the center frequency of the filter.