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PassiveAgressiveCan t1_itx4qa3 wrote

If you can afford it keep both, but it sounds like you already made up your mind.


xGuacamolly t1_itx6wgx wrote

I recently sold the LCD-X 2021 - HD800s- Focal Clear and i have kept the Arya Stealth only.

It only depends on your favorite music genre i guess :)


smallhero1 t1_itx811c wrote

What are your favorite music genres and what genres do you think work best for the headphones you listed?


xGuacamolly t1_itxsp2m wrote

I listen to classical music - punk rock - metal mostly. I prefer a brighter set which leads me to Arya vs HD800s. I prefer to have a good amount of bass. HD 800s failed to give me the weight i desire. I ended up with the Arya. Try multiple company keep the one you like the most. I'm not you, we don't like the same thing or aspect of a song.


Nr48 t1_itynrc9 wrote

Even LCD-X Soundstage > Arya V3 ??

Did they really destroy the soundstage that bad with the stealth magnets compared to the V2?


casper_wolf OP t1_iu0k57s wrote

there are split opinions on this point of stage. for me I think the lcd convey a "live" vibe while the arya convey a "studio" vibe. my mind just automatically thinks the sound of a live venue seems more open. the pads on the arya are stiffer and hold the sound source slightly further from the ear, so in that sense there's objectively more space and helps the staging. i didn't own the V2, but from what i've read, the SM sacrifice a little of the V2 stage for better overall balance.


ku1185 t1_iu0hv32 wrote

Gimme the Arya's. Then I can tell you whether you should've held onto it. xP


Realistic_Cry642 t1_iu0j4yc wrote

I was in the same situation as you back in the day. Still have no idea if I made the right decision tbh lol. If it was down to stock tuning…aryas. But things turn a complete 360 when the EQ is setup. LCD X still has more body, Aryas with their detail. It’s tough brother. I ended up selling the LCD X, and opted for an insane bass shelf to the Aryas. But I think now I’d do LCD X.

Reading back through this I’ve basically provided zero useful input. Sorry about that LOL. Let me know if you EQ, curious about that actually.


casper_wolf OP t1_iu0krmf wrote

this reply helped a lot actually


Realistic_Cry642 t1_iu0mptv wrote

My preferred headphone regardless of the specific model is always gonna be open back large planars. And so the decision isn’t really a decisive one if you get what I’m saying. But I’d just follow your gut. You didn’t say if you used EQ though?


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