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Clickbaitllama t1_iuekt4l wrote

i’m not skeptical, what i’m saying is that your defense doesn’t in any way disprove that what you are hearing is placebo. I’m not giving any opinion if what you are hearing is placebo or not

And fyi, while what the redditor you are quoting is right, what he is saying doesn’t apply to you since the Quedlix has the same output impendance from the balanced and unbalanced port, meaning it wouldn’t be a factor. He was using a complelty diffrent amp as an example.


NaZul15 OP t1_iuepwcb wrote

Then maybe the increase in voltage. The difference is big enough to safely say it's not placebo. If that was the case all headphones are different from eachother because of placebo, not bc they actually sound a little different (hd600 and hd650 for example)


Clickbaitllama t1_iuerzyd wrote

  1. Like everyone is saying, it’s probably because you are listening to source louder than the other. Louder usually equals better, especially in the bass region

  2. The reason why we know that a hd650 sounds diffrent than an hd600 is because there are a multitude of graphs published by established sources with industry equipment that show those 2 headphones are diffrent


NaZul15 OP t1_iueu0qp wrote

I purposefully try to listen at the same volume bc i don't wanna damage my hearing, and the hd600 thing is just figurative
