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Lelouch25 OP t1_iy2qxlf wrote

I tried all the combos haha. Had lower volume on high gain still sound more full.


Iggydang t1_iy2uqrv wrote

Saw your edit - don’t bother chasing power specs. The Magni+ will be a side grade for the money (and you’ll still need to stick with the Zen DAC to feed it), so I’d focus on going up the headphone chain since the Zen DAC should be enough for most upgrades.

If you can go and listen to a THX amp before buying, they seem to be in the same polarising camp like Topping where they measure extremely well but can sound worse than cheaper still good measuring but less focused on chasing analyser SINAD amps to some ears. Never heard any so can’t say if it’s as bad as some say.


Lelouch25 OP t1_iy2xdac wrote

Thanks 🙏 for the info. Going to stick to this combo for now. There’s some posts about planars sounding better with THX amps and that got me checking out the cheaper THX amp. Haha


kazuviking t1_iy2ye1w wrote

The new shiit amp is better than the thx amp in every way almost.