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Lelouch25 OP t1_iy32po8 wrote

But I can plug in planars into a dongle Dac, and have enough volume.


imsolowdown t1_iy330ad wrote

Exactly. Do you want to believe the science or do you want to believe stupid people trying to get you to click on their affiliate links so you buy expensive shit that you don’t need so that they can get their cut?

There is a LOT of false information and myths in this hobby and you wouldn’t be able tell what’s what until you learn about how headphones and amps actually work.


Lelouch25 OP t1_iy343ql wrote

Yeah but I found the sound signature to be lacking lows. —confirming what some of these reviewers say.


imsolowdown t1_iy355y9 wrote

Those reviewers don’t really know any more than you do. None of them are engineers or physicists.