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Hungry_Fail1807 OP t1_ixa88jd wrote

Reply to comment by sweaverj in Hd650 not loud enough by Hungry_Fail1807

Sorry I left that out I flipped that to high and it helped but for what I have wrapped up in all this I feel they should make my ears bleed lol. If I need to upgrade the amp I will just don’t know a lot about all this


Dust-by-Monday t1_ixaedgr wrote

You really shouldn't be listening over 80db


Hungry_Fail1807 OP t1_ixaejft wrote

Trust me I can’t handle anything close to full but I always want to push that limit when I first get some. Mainly wanted to make sure what I was doing and my setup was adequate for the headset


tipdrp t1_ixagz50 wrote

Why do you want to push the limit?


Hungry_Fail1807 OP t1_ixaha8l wrote

You never ram your car or bike to its limiter? I don’t know I always want to see what things can do


Wasted1300RPEU t1_ixbzswk wrote

A car and bike can be repaired, an engine can be swapped.

Your ears, once damaged by high volume CAN NOT PHYSICALLY RECOVER, like ever. With hearing dmg, it's a one and done thing, don't treat it lightly, you'll regret it way before you're too old to care


b0ltje t1_ixeqro6 wrote

As someone who has blown ears with half his hearing lost due to loud noises, I can wholeheartedly tell you that you're a dumbass for playing your headphones on full tilt, you will definitely regret this one day once your ears start ringing and it won't go away 😉


bbuky01 t1_ixalwu0 wrote

Just tried the 6XX’s from my Magni 3 from a Modi 3 and I could not listen to it turned all the way up as it was starting to be painful. Though not the most accurate way of testing I have a calibrated mic hooked up to a old iPhone and with a little Blues Travellers I got 111 db with the mic parallel with the pads and my hand over top like I said probably not real accurate but I doubt too far off.
If you are listening that loud that will become a problem for your hearing.
The problem could be the Go Xlr not putting out enough voltage for the line out this will definitely not play as loud as it could. Did the same test with a Dragonfly Red and it gave me 99 db and it was louder than I tend to listen too but it was not painful and it puts out 2.1v which is spot on for standard line out and using it as a dac for the Magni was close to the same as the Modi as a dac.