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DeathsingerQc t1_iya3gb5 wrote

I don't think gaming differs much from music, it's just preference.

Unless the headphone in question has awful imaging it'll work.

I use my lcd-2 (planar), Focal celestee (Dynamic) and Blessing 2 Dusk (iem dynamic + balanced armature) for gaming and comparing any of them I feel no extra advantage between any of them. If anything I'd say iems have the best accuracy when it comes to imaging compared to most headphones I've tried, but I don't think it matters at all, even at high skill lvl.

However wider soundstage tend to feel more immersive which is nice.


csch1992 OP t1_iya44n0 wrote

Thats the first i noticed. Felt a little like surround speakers. I actually could sense more when some one came right in front of me, it was not just left and right