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SteveThePirate_69 t1_iy6nuoc wrote

If a tree falls in 128kbps, does an audiophile even bother listening to it?


CreamyOrangutan t1_iy6ny37 wrote

i’ve had this issue many times, youtube-dl and other ripping methods have saved me 🙏🏽


UnnecessaryMovements OP t1_iy6p2lt wrote

EDIT2: Edited the link

A sadder ending: I can't find it and it seems to be deleted.

I was gonna link it but now it's gone. It's an obscure progressive metal band from the Philippines. IIRC it was made in the early 2000s (maybe 2007).


SteveThePirate_69 t1_iy6t4zv wrote

A true audiophile knows source is king, and until you can get your hands on some import SACD's of quality timber, or if you were lucky enough to see it fall, live, back in 74', you're just listening to a parody of the original record.


Yin_Esra t1_iy6ushk wrote

So I have a somewhat different story - downloaded a song from YouTube about 8 years ago. Stumbled upon it on my phone again a year ago, and tried to find it in better quality. Song, and artist, seems to have been erased from the internet.

Oh well, at least the song is a banger and I have a copy lol.


RammityRam t1_iy6v84z wrote

128 kbps? No problem, yt music doubles it so its not bad bad


Lithominium t1_iy72rl3 wrote

>youtuber takes it down


this was me with Burl's Art on youtube, and his "colored pencil guitar song" video. It was a loop with the bass, strat, and tele. it was wonderful. and its gone...


hurtyewh t1_iy78xtd wrote

This is why I buy everything I care about on CD or at least try to find FLAC to download. I've seen some of my favourite albums being removed from Spotify during the last two years and I expect in a decade my playlists will show mainly gray. A lot wasn't available ever.


jonmcknlegg t1_iy7ixnc wrote

I recently got myself into listening music from the Philippines and encountered the same problem as you of having to settle with 128kbps files. I'm hoping someday those bands will release their albums on streaming services.


TraubeMinzeTABAK t1_iy7ja1z wrote

This Track

Is this meme for me.

Ripped from a live set in 2007/2008 in the worst quality possible, but enjoyed it anyways. Still crying that there never will be a HQ Version


Jochiebochie t1_iy7rp3z wrote

Henry Rollins - Liar. Only on YouTube? Not on Spotify or Tidal. The fuck man!


WindHasHobbies t1_iy83sdh wrote

Me with old Vocaloid music, where the highest quality file available in existence is ultra compressed 2011 quality youtube rips.


DwellerInIce t1_iy896ub wrote

>New song appears on Youtube and nowhere else
>You listen to it in inexpensive gear and love it
>It then comes out in FLAC
>Get your fancy gear and appreciate all the extra details you missed

That's a big win in my books buddy. Not every single session has to be critical listening


jackmeonoff t1_iy89kjl wrote

I one time order a CD from japan just so I could hear the rest of an album I found on youtube lmao. The album doesnt exist anywhere else except as physical CD's.


Muttywango t1_iy8lng7 wrote

Looks like THWIP was never released after the death of a band member.


Arezz1337 t1_iy8mw81 wrote

Even newer most popular songs are available only as live/cover recordings. Have you had any success in searching any service where it is possible to buy/download FLACs of vocaloids?


Chance-Concentrate-5 t1_iy8nsey wrote

There’s this one guy I listen to I discovered while random queuing on r6. Talked to the guy, he had a small following but it was notable enough to be impressive. He hasn’t dropped new music in a while and honestly I thought he was dead until I saw he was actively posting on twitter. The only good part about twitter is I can check it occasionally to see if my favorite down to earth musician I met is still alive and finding new inspiration to make music 😂


AntOk463 t1_iy8pico wrote

Sim Dane makes Formula 1 parodies of popular songs, and his versions sound really good, but he only posts youtube videos and his songs aren't on streaming services. I would love to play his music in a car, but only his earliest songs are available for streaming. You can't even use youtube music because he is recognized as an content creator and not an artist.


Mr-Zero-Fucks t1_iy91zqt wrote

Small indie bands have shitty production anyways, a higher bitrate won't help much, if the song is good, enjoy it for the artistic merit.

Also support them, they'll invest more in production if the demo does well, I've seen this happening a couple times.


StadiaFan19 t1_iy95ogx wrote

most of my low bitrate songs are unreleased or mixtapes


WindHasHobbies t1_iy99hau wrote

No idea what this subreddits rules are on sailing the sea, but I had some luck with a few from a new service I recently downloaded. More niche songs that don’t have a bandcamp release or a self hosted mediafire and are basically just random videos uploaded to NicoNico or YouTube couldn’t be found, but at that point I doubt the song was even produced beyond YouTube-level quality. Also note that most of the songs I’ve been downloading are very old and not QA’d at all, so I don’t have much input on getting new songs.


WindHasHobbies t1_iy99v7g wrote

If only I got that lucky, the majority of the links that I find on those japanese sites end up being dead, so even if the song is free it only exists on some japanese guy’s dusty hard drive from 2014.


Aracari_LoA t1_iy9buce wrote

There's an obscure album that I have downloaded years ago that for some reason isn't available online anymore. Good thing I have it on multiple devices.


shairudo t1_iy9chxz wrote

Pierre Antoine. Otherwise a $300 vinyl purchase


marystwin t1_iy9kek5 wrote

It's mostly not the compression on youtube, but what happened before it.

Put a FLAC on youtube and it'll sound amazing as opus ~128kb (more or less what youtube uses) is pretty transparent to most. But download some music off youtube with a yt2mp3 converter, remix it into a new MP3, make it a video with AAC audio, upload it to youtube and now we're talking.


hellafax t1_iyb1go1 wrote

This is what its like finding Indie music from the 90's, from labels that were consumed in the great buy-out saga. Bands just simply ceased to exists, and their recordings lost in some sort of limbo.


zippyzplayz t1_iybwol8 wrote

You can prolly just go into internet archive and find the artist. And download a listen to a better quality there