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PolarBearSequence OP t1_ixi2njc wrote

So, the Truthear Hexa is this months hyped IEM apparently, and after being relatively impressed by the TE Zero and listening to the rather enthusiastic review by Super*Review, I decided to grab it. Quick disclaimer: I only own "budget" (< 100€) IEMs right now, since I don't use IEMs all that often and commonly have fit issues with larger IEMs. Until now, the Titan S has been my favorite, sporting a bright-neutral tuning.

First, the fit and build: box and accessoires are basically the same as on the Zero, which is completely fine, but nothing exceptional. The IEM earpieces themselves are rather sleek, slightly translucent from the ear side, but feel overall well made and are quite light. They also have a somewhat thick and quite long nozzle, which made me slightly worried about the fit (the Zero was pretty close to not fitting me properly). However, thanks to the long nozzle, they protrude from the ear canal significantly, and I had no issues using them. I use the included tips (medium size, small bore), since in contrast to on the Zero, they provide a secure fit this time.

Most important however is the sound. And well, I have no hesitation to call them neutral. They sound very clean, with very clear mids and a small subbass boost that provides proper impact to make drums sound good. There is absolutely no bass bloat or mud found here, making even fast songs sound clear and not congested. Imaging and soundstage are IEM-typical. However, there is one thing of note and criticism: similar to the Zero (though less prominent and without the harsh vocals), there is what I'd consider a slight, noticeable treble peak somewhere. Cymbals can have just a hint of added sharpness that makes them stand out in the mix a bit. It reminds me slightly of the treble peak on my DT 1990 (I assume it is at a similar frequency), though it is far, far less prominent here and does not cause actual issues. It does make them lean towards a metallic timbre though, but not enough to make the sound unnatural. That kind of thing seems to be very subjective, so YMMV.

Overall, I can confidently recommend those to everyone who is interested in a neutral, clean sound within this price range. If what you are looking for is an energetic, or fun, or relaxing sound however, they are not for you. The Titan S has some added sparkle and energy, but still provides similarly clean bass and mids, while the Aria has a more relaxing, bassy-and-fun sound at the cost of lacking the clarity and natural sound.


TheRadiantSoap t1_ixigpp6 wrote

Thank you, I can't stand a metallic ish timbre and had this on my list for iems to research. People tend to care about timbre less than me, so it's not always in reviews. so thanks for the thoroughness 😳😳


PolarBearSequence OP t1_ixjutpk wrote

It’s only very very slight and I’d still call the Hexa a 9.5/10 for neutral tonality, it still sounds natural for me, but there is something there. However, multiple people have told me that they can’t hear it, so I assume that this will subjectively vary from person to person, maybe it’s ear canal resonance related.


noman007 t1_ixkppee wrote

nice review! I have also ordered mine after watching Super's review. His recommendation hasn't failed me yet. ER2XR is right now my favorite IEM. Looking forward to them as well!

As a neutral fan myself, I think I will like them quite bit.