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etantan t1_iuxctj8 wrote

For me, it is a step up especially on the quality of the bass. The treble of the oracle mk2 either ruins or highlights details in a song.

I still use the b2, it doesnt sound offensive, but sometimes it is boring. Gap isn’t exactly that big, maybe have to jump to a higher bracket to see a noticeable “improvement”


urasawasmonster t1_iv3ovct wrote

Have the Monarch MK 2, Timeless, SA6 and B2. Monarch is better than everything else I listed, but the gap is not that big between these IEMs in terms of tier. They're all very good for what they are.

Monarch is very natural sounding with a decent emphasis on bass.

SA6 with symbio W tips sound pretty close to monarch. With original tips, their BA timbre is more apparent. They're smooth.

B2 is a little cold and thin. They're good for listening to podcasts but I usually have to turn the Dusk EQ on for music. Even then, it can be sometimes sharp to my ears.

Timeless is fun.

cc: u/be-LazY