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Mhosie t1_iv0l7k9 wrote

I got the s12 a couple of days ago and have owned the ie300 for a few months. I am no expert so maybe you wanna take my opinions with a pinch of salt! I really like the ie300s for their comfort more than anything else, you can easily wear them all day and forget you have them in. In terms of the sound, the ie300 has more bass than the s12 which has a lot more treble to my ears and I find I need to listen at a lower volume. One thing I will say about the s12 compared to the ie300 is that the sound is much wider, whereas the ie300 sounds very close. Vocals are so much clearer on the s12 if you care about that. If you're looking to get a cheaper IEM with more bass I really enjoy the Truthear Zero and out of the three IEMs I mention I find their bass to be the most enjoyable (really good punch, when I listened to Karma Police with them for the first time it put a genuine smile on my face!).


be-LazY OP t1_iv0ps05 wrote

Ohhh the truth zero, I was also looking at them, but the fact that the blessing 2 may outperform in clarity/detail it just made me think that it may not be really worth it


Mhosie t1_iv0r30d wrote

I'm guessing you're going to be hard pressed to find something cheaper than the B2s which have better detail, but you'll certainly be able to find cheaper IEMs with different tunings which you may prefer overall :)