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CelltonCelsius t1_ix78ttz wrote

Better decide quick because the discount is about to expire in a couple days. $80 is the regular price.


xler8r t1_ix79a1q wrote

Indeed. I am thinking I will hold off. I want to see more reviews and learn more about whether I’d notice / be bothered by any deficiencies.

I think I’d enjoy the S12 more in the future. I want to try something new still though, so I’m thinking of ordering the Tangzu Waner. I’ve never heard planar, so it’s still an unknown. The Waner might be a better fit.


r31ya t1_ixbho9n wrote

Multiple early impression is pretty positive from Paul Wasabi and Hifri.

i won't take it for $80, but for $40 with that graph? i'll take the blind dive.