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DrStefanFrank t1_iy4m8bs wrote

Thank you very much! That's really good to know about Android. I would've never known without you taking the time to write a thorough comment. Really appreciated. I guess it's the same deal with Ibasso dongles on Android and their UAC app for controlling volume and in general with dongles that allow seperate volume control somehow, right?

Now, if someone could tell me how it is with BT connections I'm all set. I usually enable "direct volume control/DVC" because the poweramp equalizer app suggested it somewhere for some reason I don't remember rn, then keep the android device on max volume and use the BT devices volume control separately.

I think it's right but I'm unsure. Should it be enabled or disabled for best SQ?


blorg t1_iy6m0z8 wrote

I think that's exactly what the special app is doing, it would be sending the UAC command to change the volume on the dongle. The issue with low volume on Android with the Apple dongle is related, by default it is set to 50% and Android volume buttons only reduce the sample volume. Universal Audio Player Pro is another app people use to be able to control this hardware volume.

My understanding, with BT it is sending a full scale signal either way, some BT devices have the option of their own independent volume but I'm not sure whether you use the volume on the device matters.

With the Qudelix and Android it will show the input at -0dB all the way down to around 35% volume and then below that it does attenuate, but not very much until you get down to the very bottom. I don't think in practice there is any issue using the device volume, not for my devices anyway.