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Veil_Of_Mikasa t1_iy0wir7 wrote

I can see where the lack of bass comments can come from. I realize it's not a good comparison, but going from the Hexa to my Dusk and it's comical how much more bass there is in comparison. The Dusk EQ'd to the normal B2 has more noticeable bass imo as well, which is what this thing gets compared to the most obvi. I listen to some heavy/fast metal (Darko, Spite that kind of thing) so the dusk can get a little bloated imo , especially on fast double bass, and the Hexa handles it better. For 80 bucks it's so fucking good.


gozes t1_iy7lwx9 wrote

How does the b2d compare to the hexa when it comes to layering, imaging, and resolution?


Veil_Of_Mikasa t1_iy7xkwz wrote

The Dusk blows it out of the water. Everything about the Dusk is just "cleaner" sounding and more refined. It's not like I can't pick out what's going on on the Hexa, but the Dusk makes it easier. Imaging is good as well. I use it for gaming and have no real issues placing things where they are. Haven't really used the Hexa for gaming much yet

Edit: I've used the Hexa a bit and fuck me the tuning is so good to me. I've learned I like hearing every micro detail over a thumpy bass. I don't look at my Dusk the same way. This is more a personal discovery I think then anything but I love these fucking things


Yusei249 OP t1_iy1p52w wrote

I haven't have the fortune to try the B2 and the dusk but I also imagine it having more bass also comes from the better technicalities and such? But that's very good to know, one more reason to buy the hexa. Thanks for your comment