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KilgoretheTrout55 t1_iy2my9d wrote

You probably don't need one. Honestly even if you did want one you might want to consider just getting like a used LG V60 instead.

The only thing I ever bought is a qudelik 5k, But that was as much about the Bluetooth and parametric EQ as it was the DAC.

Basically unless your headphones or iems are not loud enough you do not need more power.


malrats OP t1_iy2ph2m wrote

That’s fair. I was considering getting HD 6XX or maybe even HD 600 and those do seem to need an amp as far as I can tell. Or at least greatly benefit.

What do you like about the Bluetooth on the 5k? I’ve genuinely never had an amp or dac so all of these features always sound so foreign and exotic and exciting to me.