Submitted by Drsagemonkey t3_z8jwkf in headphones

Unique Melody MEST MK2 Review

I've had the MEST Mk2 for about 3 weeks now, It blew me away as far as detail, resolution, stage and all the technicalities. The voices sound great on it too, only thing is the instruments and bass seem to get in the way sometimes on busy tracks, not in a way that would disturb anyone at all, only me perhaps.

I also have the Dusk and I noticed a warmth and dampening of the tuning in the MEST that the Dusk doesn't have. The Dusk is more open and the mids are more forward; the voice is always the star of the show and the instruments and background music never get in the way.

I have A B tested them with a 3.5 jack splitter that allows me to have both connected at the same time, playing the same song. It is clear that the MEST is better, and the resolution is like 8k while the Dusk is a standard 1080p. I will say though, that I concluded that the Dusk performs way above its price point. I came to the resolution that If there were an IEM that performed at the same technical level, and had the same everything as the MEST, only with the Dusk's tuning; I'd probably never look at another IEM again.

For some reason, it seems to me that the MEST has a sort of "veil" to it... I know many people throw that dirty word around a lot but I couldn't help feeling this, not sure if it might be the sound isolation or what, but it feels like there are metaphorical and sonic, acoustic panels that make it sound more closed in and darker. It was the thing that immediately saddened me when I first heard it. After continuously listening to them now, I can't really take them out of my ears, the passive noise isolation it has are better than my Sony Wf -1000 Xm3 I have and I don't want to live without that in an IEM of this caliber anymore. It really adds to their value for me. Even so, from what I've heard, I think the Diva would likely be my endgame that I would prefer over the MEST. It seems they are very mid forward with around the same level of detail but tuned closer to the Dusk. If only there were an easy way to get them used for a good price like I got the MEST. To be clear, A B testing them further, the Dusk sounds like it has a veil in comparison to the MEST, but that is in sheer detail retrieval... once you listen to the MEST long enough it makes sense that the Dusk would sound broken or simply like the sound is obscure in comparison. So I don't mean to say that the MEST is veiled in this manner, but just in the tuning, and especially the mids.

Note: I think that for the general listener, pretty much 99% of people, the MEST truly is BEST with no ands, ifs, or buts. They are impressive and immersive. Classical music sounds incredible on them because one feels as if one were in the piano room or in the orchestra, you can even hear the piano pedal being pressed down sometimes. This is the most thing I will miss if I let them go, the Dusk leaks to much sound in from the environment and won't have that immersive quality, I worry the Diva will be like this as well. Hopefully I'm wrong. Lastly, the build of the Dusk is much more to my liking, the aesthetic of the plastic that feels like glass, the brilliant silver shell, the little touch of blue inside, the transparency, the weight of them… The MEST feel and look like plastic, they seem to weigh less and the cable and general aesthetic seems to be so boyish. The Dusk is much classier and sophisticated in that regard.

If anyone wants to chime in I'd enjoy that, especially if you've heard these IEM's and extra special if you've heard the Diva and the MEST Mk2 and can provide feedback.



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MiddleEmphasis6759 t1_iyctso1 wrote

I've only ever heard the MEST in the sound demos that Dan's Audio Reviews publishes on his YouTube channel, as kilobuck IEMs are pretty firmly out of the realm of obtainability for me, but just from those sound demos I can concur that the MEST's perceived resolution and imaging capabilities are addictive. Really puts you "in the room" with the performer in a way I haven't heard from anything else. Regarding the perceived veil in the mids that you experience with the MEST in A/B testing against the Dusk, the MEST is known to have a lack of energy in the ear gain region of the frequency response (between like 2-5kHz) which affects the 'bite' and forwardness of vocals and certain instruments. It's an area of the frequency response the Dusk puts emphasis on, which is likely why you perceive the Dusk as sounding more open and forward.

No idea where you stand on EQ, but if you're open to it, 2 or 3 filters in a parametric EQ could get you a very similar tuning in the mids of the MEST as there is in the Dusk. This would change the overall tonal balance of the MEST from something of a unique U-shape to more of a bright-ish Harman target, though, and a change in the MEST's tonal balance could also possibly affect its unique imaging capabilities, but I have no way of confirming that, as I don't own the MEST.

Parameters for the EQ would be:

Filter 1: Peak Filter, 3kHz, 3.5dB, Q Factor of 1

Filter 2: Peak Filter, 3.8kHz, 2.5dB, Q Factor of 3

Filter 3: Peak Filter, 6kHz, -1dB, Q Factor of 1.41

There are a couple other small adjustments you could make to the MEST's lower mids and bass to get those regions closer to the Dusk's more lean tuning, but I don't think those areas are likely problematic in the MEST. I've heard the Diva is an excellent IEM from reviewers I trust, so I don't think you'd go wrong in buying it, but if you're down to try it out, give EQ a shot before going out and spending another kilobuck on the Diva.


AtLastLight t1_iycz0zb wrote

I've had my Mests for about 6 months now and they haven't stopped blowing me away. They aren't perfect tuning-wise for me either, but at the same time they've barely left my ears since I got them lol. I honestly love the smaller, immersive soundstage and slight veil they have but I completely understand why you have issues with it. I think the biggest issue I've found is that any EQ ends up destroying the really special imaging they have.

I haven't actually heard the B2D (I was going to buy it but decided I might as well just go to the top) but I know it has a fairly different tuning. I've seen its detractors describe it as cold/analytical, which is kinda what turned me off from buying it. I could be wrong but I believe the B2D is tuned close to the Harman target (which has pronounced mids) while the Mest has an unusual U-shaped tuning. You might just prefer more forward mids compared to the Mest, I definitely feel that they lack the body and warmth that I love from my HD 6XXs. I unfortunatly haven't heard the Diva either but it seems like I'd like it. I'd also love to hear the Traillii someday as I've heard its the king of mids but there's no way I'd ever pay that much lmao.

If I could give a suggestion, the Cayin RU-6 R2R dongle is absolutely magical with the Mest. I'm not the type of guy who's like bro you need a $1000 special DAC to properly enjoy stuff but the RU-6 made a noticable difference. It sounds more "open" while giving some more body to the mids, but it does take away some of the resolution. You absolutely don't need it but it really completed the Mests for me. Good luck with your search, always happy to see another Mestbro :)


blah618 t1_iydkzgt wrote

the mest mk2 is pretty good and an easy recommendation for trying out, but far from the best, especially for classical music where it struggles massively in imaging and timbre to a lesser extent. Most other things they do quite well

Agree about the veil thing, and i think the highs sound weird, having a much lower dynamic range than the mids and bass


blorg t1_iydqxx7 wrote

Monarch Mk2 is close to an upgraded Dusk, with very similar tonality.,Dusk_S2,Monarch_Mk2

I have it and the OG MEST and I prefer the Monarch Mk2. MEST has more "holographic" soundstage though, that's the party trick it does. MEST Mk2 is meant to be better tuning than OF MEST but slightly worse in the technicalities.

Monarch Mk2 still has very decent soundstage for an IEM, just not quite on the level of the MEST, but also arguably sounding more natural. The other technicalities are, possibly even better.

ThieAudio Oracle is even closer tuning to the Dusk, but I think less on the technicalities than the Monarch Mk2. I think. I have both, I haven't A/Bed them. I enjoy the Oracle very much though, the main tonal difference is the Oracle has just that smidge more mid-bass than the Monarch Mk2.,Dusk_S2,Oracle

Oracle has better treble than the Dusk, I think it is an upgrade. But if you want to spend ~$1,000 and want a better Dusk, I think just go straight to the Monarch Mk2, it's the obvious choice.

The Diva looks interesting, I haven't heard it. What I'd be most concerned about with it is the bass, in the min bass, it looks like too little. In the max, too much, although I could see that being a "fun" tuning and I think I would like it with the max bass, but not all the time. The max bass puts the rise in the same place as the Dusk, but it goes up a LOT more, like it's +15dB which is nuts. I have the Variations, and it's nowhere near as much bass as that, and it's sometimes too much, I think as a general tuning the Dusk, Oracle, Monarch Mk2 are better tunings.

While the issue with the half bass, it looks like it is pushed too far down, and just starts the rise too low. I have a few IEMs like this, it almost identically matches the curve on the Symphonium Helios, which is a great IEM with the best treble I have ever heard, but simply sounds too lean due to the bass being pushed so far down.,Diva_Half_Bass,Helios_Sym

The Dioko also suffers from this problem. It's just too far down. Dusk is great, Truthear Zero is also fine. Dioko is too lean. Dusk and Oracle, which are near idenitcal, it's enough further up, it makes all the difference.

The Monarch Mk2 does look pretty close but it's still a little higher. I don't find it problematic. But the Diva is also an all-BA set, like the Helios, and I think this makes a difference, the Monarch bass although it doesn't graph THAT much different from the Helios, it's far more present and impactful, I think because it's DD bass.


Drsagemonkey OP t1_iydrt9b wrote

Thanks for the detail, yea once you have the Mest I wouldn’t suggest the Dusk, you’d be pretty underwhelmed. I use a Motu M 2 to power it and everything sounds at least 3 times better on it and fuller.


Drsagemonkey OP t1_iydw6es wrote

Honestly the bass issues don’t concern me as much, the Dusk bass was fine for me, even though I do really enjoy the MEST bass. I have been eyeing the Monarch and wish I could test them against the MEST. In Dan’s Audio Reviews, a video he recently took down, the MEST sound more open and lively than the Monarch but the Monarch sounds more textured and weighty, but I know audio demos on YouTube are far from accurate representations.


Drsagemonkey OP t1_iyetkhe wrote

I only have the Dusk as a reference for classical music and they sounded pretty good and clear with it, but the MEST makes it much more immersive and detailed as a whole and kinda closes you into a vortex of sound, which I enjoy. But yea, I'd imagine the Diva or something like that would be more appealing for classical music and vocals.

What in your opinion or experience would you say is the best?