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LSG4M3R t1_iy7goy6 wrote

Another massive head gang member! If you don't feel comfortable at first try, sorry but it's not for you. The only solution is to get another headphones. As a giant head myself, Sennheiser were nice, their headphones got enough room for everyone.


kill3rb00ts t1_iy7z0dc wrote

Yup, such is life with a big head. Although Sennheisers are pretty hit or miss for me because the cups don't swivel out at the top, so YMMV. Fortunately, most audiophile headphones that aren't Beyerdynamics get big enough for me.


StanGenchev t1_iy84t9m wrote

> As a giant head myself, Sennheiser were nice

I see you haven't tried the HD 600 (and others with the same chassis like the 580, 650, etc) headphones. They are a torture device for us mellon heads.


LSG4M3R t1_iy850d5 wrote

Those old chassis were okay for me. Definitley not the most comfortable one but it sits and stay one my head without any pain


PassiveAgressiveCan t1_iy8m90p wrote

I just bend the headband to accommodate. 2XL helmet size here, they are very comfortable.


StanGenchev t1_iy8n15j wrote

That works if you have a smaller/leaner head. For bigger heads nothing helps. I tried bending both the plastic and metal parts, stretched over books and even used a heatgun to melt the headband in an effort to widen it. It didn't help. All this on a second hand HD 600, so it was already "broken-in".


PassiveAgressiveCan t1_iy8nawu wrote

I’ve got a fat head so you must have a damn watermelon. Stock the fit was very uncomfortable, had to bend them out to the point I thought the plastic would break while also bending the metal bands that extend.