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SupOrSalad OP t1_iy5sabv wrote

Reply to comment by WoodenSporkAudio in Headphone wizardry by SupOrSalad

Disregard my original comment, I misread the comment above, and mine is a poor and incorrect explanation>!Yeah it all combines together through the fourier transform. The movement of the driver is a sum of its frequencies, and even if the driver seems to be moving up and down in a simple pattern, it is doing that as a result of the different frequencies all adding together. Your ear is able to take that sound and through a reverse of the same fourier transform equation, each individual frequency is separated and heard individually!<


20EYES t1_iy5vip2 wrote

That's not exactly what a Fourier transform means but you are on the right track for sure.


SupOrSalad OP t1_iy5ykpb wrote

Thanks. I know it's a math equation that I really don't understand. Hoping to learn as much as possible, but yeah my understanding is definitely limited


20EYES t1_iy62k8y wrote

If you are curious, I highly recommend these 2 videos. The first one gives a high-level explanation and the second one dives in a bit deeper. You absolutely do not need to fully understand the math to understand the concept in general btw.


SupOrSalad OP t1_iy62xv9 wrote

Will definitely when I get off work. Thanks


SupOrSalad OP t1_iy6z48m wrote

Watched them now. Really informative and actually enjoyable to watch. Thanks for sharing that!