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halpnousernames t1_iwe85hb wrote

Stand is easy. Never cheap out on stands. Rode PSA-1 is a great option.

Headphones are a subjective topic. There's literally hundreds in threads on this subreddit alone that will give you an idea. Once you establish budget, and use case, you can a better idea yourself what to narrow down to.


DMMeYourCCInfoPlz OP t1_iwfnyjx wrote

Ordered a PSA-1 Looks solid AF!


I'm not really big into the audiphile niche, because as i work i blare music at 200%, idc what it is as long as it's noise i can focus, always used crappy $20 headsets and this was a big improvement - im guessing next budget is in $300 range so im on the hunt, some great suggestions in this thread so far


Jurassekpark t1_iwg2geb wrote

>because as i work i blare music at 200%

"Now I am become deaf, the destroyer of my own eardrums" /s


NFTOxaile t1_iwh2hdr wrote

Sennheiser HD 6XX, Sennheiser HD 560S, AKG K712 Pro, Hifiman Sundara, Harmonicdyne Zeus, Sivga Phoenix.