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faustsofar t1_iy9i4hk wrote

It's a great pair of cans and I love them dearly. Here are some of my favorites which sound amazing on those:

Nick Drake - Bryter Layter is my favorite, but the whole discography is solid.

Masayoshi Takanaka - On Guitar or All of me, easy-to-listen jazz rock.

Steely Dan - Aja, Gaucho or Katy Lied , but once again - other albums are great too!

Stereolab - albums after Dots and Loops. They were making fantastic lofi-ish music before.

Dire Straits - Alchemy: Dire Straits live. One and a half hour of fantastically recorded live concert, with crowd sounds and all that good stuff.

Japanese city pop records usually have immaculate production and are fun and easy to listen to. Some of my favorite artists are Anri, Miki Matsubara, 1986 Omega Tribe, Wink (duo) and Tomoko Aran.

Venetian Snares - Traditional Synthesizer Music. That sweet modular synth goodness mixed with high tempo mangled beats, I'd say it's a perfect entry-level album if you want to get into breakcore, since it's surprisingly easy to listen to compared to the rest of Vsnares' discography