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blorg t1_iybyeic wrote

Try Oratory's Harman EQ, (pdf) I find it works very well with the Clear.

That does EQ down the 1250 shout (1350 in this case) as well, I still find them very dynamic.

I find them less shouty and in your face than something like the HD600, and they do graph darker. New pads could be an issue here, I think it will get darker as it gets older.,Clear,HD600_S3_(2020)_(fresh_pads)

I have the Arya Stealth, it has that Hifiman 1-2.5kHz recess which may help but it's a lot brighter than the Clear above that. It probably is less "shouty" specifically though. It's less dynamic, less punchy, but better soundstage, better bass extension and I think a bit better tonally overall, and also more detail and layering. I like the Clear a lot, but if I could only have one, I'd take the Arya Stealth over the Clear (and also over the HD800S, HE6SEV2, LCD-X, and I'd have to think about which vs the Utopia). Arya Stealth is a great all-rounder.,Clear,Arya_Stealth