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ThatLastGenGamer t1_j28gsec wrote

My immediate question exactly.

I've been in the hobby for a few years now and have had several mid-fi big guns like HD 650, K712 Pro and others. Sold mostly everything except my original HD 598 SR (still the ones who get the most use because of gaming) and Porta Pros. Eventually bought a pair of 560S for music paired with my K5 Pro. Never looked back, never feel any need to upgrade anymore. They really are spectacularly competent, defined and resolving. I like them infinitely more than I did the 6 series and honestly you get to a point in the hobby where you're just spending money out of curiosity with very little payoff.

I realise this is easier said than done but do try to appreciate and be content with what you have if it is factually already top tier.