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LyKosa91 t1_j2b6a0s wrote

Given their mediocre bass extension, I would have said the HD800S is a poor choice for EDM. I also don't get why people seem to think the widest possible soundstage is an advantage in competitive shooters, because it's not, its really not.

But to answer your question based solely on those two points, DT1990 pro.


ostuniman t1_j2b7m27 wrote

Ah man, I never heard of these when I was shopping a few months ago. I went by reviews from Josh Valour, DMS, Resolve, Crinacle and they all recommended HD800s for fps gaming.


LyKosa91 t1_j2be4s2 wrote

Gaming in general, sure, from an immersion perspective a wide soundstage is great. But specifically in the context of competive FPS, its really not that important, in fact I personally find an overly diffused soundstage can be detrimental at times.

It's worth remembering that pro players are more often than not running IEMs or even standard gaming headsets. Also, the guys you mentioned aren't competitive gamers, in fact, crinacle himself has made this exact point, not so much specifically regarding soundstage, but just generally that it really doesn't matter that much beyond having a neutral/bright leaning sound signature.

It's all preference at the end of the day, there's nothing wrong with the 800S, but if you're spending over a grand on a pair of headphones in the hope that they'll make you win games more often, you're gonna be disappointed... And poorer.


ostuniman t1_j2bhhvn wrote

Its a mix of non fps games too. It sounds good. The main reason I got HD800s was the loose fitting. Not clampy. It feels like nothing on my head.