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I_am_Mr_Knowitall t1_j1u8igp wrote

When I see these kind of posts I feel kind of sad. Not only I never get anything for Christmas but also if I'd ask my family for a pair of €100+ headphones they'd call me insane. I feel happy for you though, enjoy.


Dunkleosteus666 OP t1_j1uhj0i wrote

To make you feel better, my birthday is begin january and i wont receive anything, as this gift is christmas + bd together.. and its also sorta of a gift for finishibg my undergraduate studies last september so..


I_am_Mr_Knowitall t1_j1uipju wrote

My birthday is couple of days before Christmas, and I usually get socks, deodorant and coffee hahaha. I also graduated in September and I bought HD560s to treat myself.


olqerergorp_etereum t1_j1uolmo wrote

are u me

btw I don't mind deodorant or socks, I actually grateful of that so I don't have to buy them myself lmao


ThisGuyFrags t1_j1uk06p wrote

Work hard, study hard, then buy the headphones you want once you get the budget for them.

And above all, be patient.

I promise it's worth it, because there will be an even better selection once you can


hextanerf t1_j1uuan9 wrote

I feel that's the majority here. You and I both


llIicit t1_j1xs26h wrote

Haven’t received a Christmas gift that wasn’t purchased by myself since I was 18. You learn to get use to it lol


Dunkleosteus666 OP t1_j1u3gfv wrote

So i got the DT 700 PRO X. The sound seems a little bit darker than DT 770, with less treble, but a lot more detail. It sounds definitively better than my vmoda m100 for genres like metal (i listen 90% to black metal, prog metal, mathcore). Isolation is better than DT 770. Also its way easier to drive. Weirdly enough its louder on my smart phone than on my ipad pro. I already have an fiio amp (e12) which i really dont need as i bought it for my dt 770 (i note i wrecked my 3.5 mm of the dt 770 so isnt usable anymore) but it adds a little bit of power on my ipad. Gets very loud on my laptop. Comfort and build - i dont think i have much to add. Its even more comfortable than dt 770 ( even w glasses) and the design is a clear upgrade. I plan them to use mainly at home, but consider taking them when using public transport. Also i should add bass is simply marvellous. But i dont like too much bass, as some music i listen is already bass haevy (for example Frontierer. album example i tried them at the beginning: Frontierer - Oxidized, Slice the Cake - Odyssey to the West, Agalloch - The Mantle, Opeth - Blackwater Park, Dillinger Escape Plan - Option Paralysis, Katatonia - Brave Murder Day, and the bass test lol Electric Wizard - Dopethrone).

Criticism: The mini xlr connector digs into your shoulder depending on position. But thats it.


Dr-Dice t1_j1vttvv wrote

How is the soundstage compared to DT 770?


AnotherWeekendWasted t1_j1v2f1p wrote

As an audiophile of 10+ years, I've had the upgradeitis itch every time I get new headphones. However, the DT700 Pro X, in my opinion, is a type of endgame closed back for the right user. The sound quality itself is decent to good, more of a sidegrade and cousin to the original DT770 (80ohm version) than a direct upgrade depending on preference. However, the build quality, comfort, and design improvements are very apparent and substantial. After the initial break-in period, I've been able to wear these headphones for 8+ hours at work with no issues whatsoever. I'd rank these headphones as B tier sound quality with S tier amenities, and I'll probably never sell them because of what they do so well. If you can get the DT700 Pro X for ~$180ish B-stock they are well worth the premium. Otherwise, the DT770 is still to this day an incredible value for what you're getting, and can be XLR modded and found for cheap on secondhand sites.


Dunkleosteus666 OP t1_j1v4etg wrote

I got them new for 229 on beyerdyanmic own website.


Lyorek t1_j1yi6o3 wrote

What currency is that? I can get those new for around $280 AUD so unless you've got a weaker currency that doesn't sound like a great deal you got


Quote_a t1_j1xx2eh wrote

I also recently got a pair of these and am not even sure what I could possibly upgrade to from here without spending a few times more. The level of detail and separation is fantastic while having a soundstage that isn't so wide it sounds too separate, the sound signature is pretty much exactly what I like (very slight V shape), and they might be the most comfortable headphones I've ever owned. I do find the extreme upper mids/lower treble to be a little muffled due to the disc they have over the drivers, but it's not distracting. It's the first time I've ever not felt that itch you mentioned immediately after getting new headphones.


Dunkleosteus666 OP t1_j1y5h8t wrote

Yeah thats good to hear;p What also makes the somewhat distinct from other brands is that //every// part (every screw. The driver is easily taken out and replaced) is replacable. And beyerdynamic keeps spare parts for a //long// time.

Yes i know about diminishing returns at a certain point. The upgrade from 50€ headphones (which i never had, as the dt 770 were my first) to 150€ and then to 250€ gets smaller at a certain point. I read somewhere that in the very high price range you pay a lot more marginal improvements.

Thought about getting the dt 1770 instead. A dealbreaker was the 250 ohm impedance as they should both be an upgrade to dt 770 and alternative to vmoda m100 (which i really like, but its a tad to bassy for some stuff, and the soundstage is smaller. ). Could have had the dt 1770 for 470€ but 200€ less is 200€ less. And i really hate taking my amp everywhere lol. 3 things idid not enjoy about dt 770 1)3m fixed cable.. 2) it looks simply not nice 3)impedance so it fixed this plus the sound/tuning.

Yesterday i listened 3h (after midnight) to lots of my usual stuff (see comment) theyre fantastic soundwise.

Edit: i also thought about replacing my (8 years old) shure se215 iems by a more neutral souning iem in the same pricerange (so not more then 150€). Possibly sennheiser ie300 as its reduced by 100€ on amazon. Or i have to buy a new driver for the right side which i guess will cost a lot. But i dont care about iems that much anymore, as the only advantage is isolation (for me) compared to headphones (which sound wider, more lively. You know it). So i might not.

Edit2: the slightly recessed trebele or muffled souning is better than the high accentuated treble on say dt770. When sou say listen to some very badly mixed black metal it simply hurts in your ears.


Quote_a t1_j27n4o8 wrote

Been checking out more stuff with them the last couple of days, and I think these headphones might renew my interest in metal. The separation is incredible for how busy metal can get, separate guitar riffs and bass and vocals all stay clear even on metal that isn't produced super well, and unlike some open cans I've used instruments are still close enough together that everything still feels cohesive when guitars are supposed to be playing off each other. Guitars also just sound fantastic on these, they're great at letting you hear detail in the tone and effects without making them overly aggressive or fatiguing.


Dry-Percentage-5648 t1_j1vdzig wrote

Enjoy! I've got myself DT 900 Pro X for Christmas and absolutely love them. With a little +2db bass boost they sound just perfect for me.


jotazu t1_j1xqufx wrote

I just bought one for myself on my journey to a perfect every day headphone


Dunkleosteus666 OP t1_j1y60t7 wrote

Same journey here. After 4 days of using them i know i dont want to get new headphones for some years lol


jotazu t1_j1z89zb wrote

Glad to hear that makes me look forward to Friday when they arrive


Blue2501 t1_j2crsbj wrote

I got myself a set on their B-stock sale a while back, upgrading from a SHP9500. They're fantastic and drive just fine off the headphone jack of my old Moto Z4, I'm really happy with them


gigi_boeru t1_j1vdg8z wrote

No offense, but I doubt DT 700 Pro X "beats" VModa.


JEMSKU t1_j1vhndl wrote

You 'doubt'? Thanks for furthering the discussion


AnotherWeekendWasted t1_j1vwo16 wrote

Been a few years, but I recall the Vmoda M100 having one of the absolute best sound signatures for EDM and hip hop. Bass heavy with some tasteful sparkle up top to keep things exciting, it's definitely a headphone worthy of being in the permanent rotation for closed backs.

The DT 700 Pro X will have a more versatile sound signature and is more resolving. Both are built incredibly well. Comfort will have to go to the DT 700 Pro X, but if one opts for the XL pads for the Vmodas it narrows down to just a slight edge in favor of the beyers.

Both are amazing headphones!


Dunkleosteus666 OP t1_j1wph38 wrote

Yeah its more portable. Imho the dt 700 is better for metal - more soundstage, simply more detailed.

I bought the xl cushions for my m100, gonna compare them.


Dunkleosteus666 OP t1_j1wzerz wrote

Found it what i was looking for. Electric wizard - dopethrone. Completely distorted and bassheavy fuzzy stoner doom. I bet teh dt 700 is more able than the vmodas ( which i really like for say psytrance).