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Pinecone OP t1_j22lif0 wrote

At the end every year the co-founder of Schiit audio, Jason Stoddard, makes a post talking about how the year went for the company. It's a great and honest insight into how the company deals with issues like supply disruption and how the economy effects their business. Everyone should take the time to read the post even if you're not an audiophile.


maXXXjacker t1_j22up8u wrote

It was a good read. I am kind of excited to see what they release next year. Glad to see some of those releases could potentially be around $300 or under.


Duckiestiowa7 t1_j22z4qt wrote

I remember reading something about Schiit AMP’s frying headphone drivers in certain cases. Should I continue using the Magni H with my Sundara?


verifitting t1_j2376h4 wrote

Magni Heresy? You're actually not fine, only the new Magni + and Magni Heretic have built-in DC protection, the originals were directly DC coupled and an 'accident' is not entirely impossible (although very unlucky).

The extra little circuit might explain the price rise over $99..


Me_MeMaestro t1_j24fyfc wrote

Guess they forgot to mention

"Knowingly sold products without proper protection, but made a new product that addresses that, so just give us more money for proper version of a potentially dangerous product"


Merppity t1_j24j6mn wrote

Right? It's been an issue for like 5 years, and they've finally fixed it. It'd be one thing if it were just an isolated product run, but for this long? "Shit" seems to describe more than just their name.