Submitted by beeglowbot t3_zxoj8v in headphones

^(Gear I tested it on: Amazon Music UHD > Schiit Modius > Singxer SA-1)

"Why are they so fancy??" is the first thing my wife said the moment I took them out. lol they really are very fancy, but not gaudy thankfully. They make the Aryas look kind of cheap. If you sat them next to each other and told a lay person one is above $1k, they would immediately point at the Mezes.

Stupid comfortable, even for someone with a massive head like me. To give you an idea, my crown is 24.5in around; so it's difficult for me to find even sunglasses or hats that fit comfortably. Arya fits me nicely because of how giant the band is but there's pressure below my ears due to how long the cups are. These have zero pressure, just even clamp force. I particularly love how everything is just automatic. The cups auto swivel to your head, the band auto expand when you pull it down; has enough force to hold the placement but ZERO pressure. I can't even tell it's there, just the cups.

Tuning is very fun coming from the Arya Stealth's. I know they're two completely different products in different categories, but it's my dd so it's going to have to be my reference.

There's obviously more bass but it's not messy, it does nothing to detract from the mids and the highs. It's almost like throwing a sub into a pair of solid bookshelves, all the detail and clarity is still there but now there's just more bass! Every song is more fun, they might not be correct but they're all fun and dynamic! I expected to lose some instrument separation or maybe some top end, but everything is still!

Jurassic Park Theme Song (Remaster) at 24/192: The Aryas are obviously wider but there's just less impact because it's just flatter. The 109 Pro's just makes it feel much more grand. Instruments seemed to be separated better too, though I'm thinking it might be because of the tuning making things pop out more.

The Postal Service - Such Great Heights: Arya's are airier, vocals are cleaner but has a bit more sibilance at higher volumes. Meze's vocals are closer and a bit more intimate (that's just a dynamic driver thing). The keyboard and synths are separated very well but slightly less clear.

Radiohead - Reckoner: tambourine sounds were very fun. Super natural and metallic, you can hear each jingle jangling away.

Prince - When Doves Cry: Keyboard is very clear, layered just between his voice and the drums. That's a running theme it seems: instruments are just separated and layered very well, nothing smears into each other.

UPDATE - Big Wreck - Albatross: The acoustic guitar sounds more natural on the Arya's , the 109's adds a bit more twang as each pluck falls away. That could be the tuning. They both tickle the ear the same way. However, because the 109 brings everything in closer to you, it's a lot more enjoyable.

His vocals are fairly similar after 1:00, 109's brings out his raspiness slightly more; especially after 1:20 where he strains a bit and does his vibrato thing. Again, that's likely because the soundstage isn't as wide so everything is more intimate. But because the 109's are just warmer, it makes this track more enjoyable. For me personally, it would get a bit fatiguing listening to this on the Arya but that's totally subjective.

These are just quick impressions obviously, I'll need some more time to listen. So far so good, very impressive.





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EastResolution1242 t1_j21jn8k wrote

I’ve had my pair for a couple weeks. Love them.


beeglowbot OP t1_j21qnq2 wrote

anything negative about them? what were you running before and what sticks out the most comparatively?


EastResolution1242 t1_j23rwqo wrote

Honestly, nothing negative. I bought mine from Apos and they had a free cable upgrade, so I chose the balanced 4.4 termination. I like their Flow cable much more than the stock one. I was using various upper end gaming headsets. Then I dove into the world of iems and had a couple high end sets. My 109 is paired with the Fiio k7. With this setup, there is a fullness to music. The detail and separation is fantastic. I hear things in songs that I never heard before. Songs I’ve been listening to since the 80’s.


beeglowbot OP t1_j243f4z wrote

Yea, the way they tune them brings out certain instruments more.


lx_mcc t1_j23tzfc wrote

I've had mine for about a week and I have nothing bad to say about the sound, really love them in that regard. What surprised me, seeing all the glowing comfort comments, was my only issue is on the comfort side (coming from 6XX). My ears touch the driver cover in most positions and I find the headband just feels a little loose. They stay put but it's just this slight sense of instability.

I've ordered some Dekoni pads I've heard fit this well to see if they solve some of my issues, I really wish the originals fit me a bit better because they're beautiful and the velour is lovely.


beeglowbot OP t1_j243osz wrote

sorry to hear that, everyone is different. remember that pads will change the sound a bit depending on the material.


lx_mcc t1_j24ovse wrote

Yeah I'm anticipating that - the suede pads I'm getting seem like they may tone down the top end just a touch but otherwise keep it feeling pretty similar. Crossing my fingers.


beeglowbot OP t1_j253s94 wrote

it'll probably narrow the soundstage a bit too since it's a less transparent material.


BionicSammich t1_j2200t6 wrote

Hows the bass extension and impact on the 109s compared to the Aryas? I had some Arya Stealths for a while until I went for the Meze Elites. The Elites lack in one single department for me and its sub-bass slam/impact. The Aryas felt like it was punching you in the chest for some bassy songs, where as the Elites don't have as much if that thump. Unfortunately I'm going to have to part with the Elites for now because my PC decided to suddenly die, so its time to build a new one. I'm debating between replacing the Elites with 109 Pros or a used set of Arya V2s thats local to me (whatever cash is left over will build my new PC).


beeglowbot OP t1_j221vxd wrote

Still only a few songs in before I got interrupted but Arya has much tighter bass that gives me the illusion of impact. The 109s definitely has loads more bass but doesn't sound as tight. Not that it's messy but I think because it blends in with the higher lows, it doesn't feel as sharp when it hits. I need to listen more before I can give you a solid answer.

What few songs I tested I mainly focused on space, separation and top end.


BionicSammich t1_j23jkda wrote

In an ideal world, I'd get both and keep the Elites haha. I reckon I'll go with the used Arya's because I've a decent idea what I'll be getting into.


beeglowbot OP t1_j2620ve wrote

So far, if I had to choose all over again, I would probably go with the 109's and save myself $400. I can do a lot more with the extra $400. If it's down to a used pair of Arya's at roughly $850 vs these? That's a damn hard choice, probably the Arya's.


BionicSammich t1_j263oqu wrote

Used Arya V2s are asking €850 (hasn't had any offers in 3 weeks so might take between €700-800) and the 109 Pros are €800 new. None used near me. Just for context, new Arya V3s are about €1400-1450 new for me.


beeglowbot OP t1_j264i4s wrote

Yea unless you can get them both to demo, I would go for the used Arya's as a blind buy. Much safer bet as you said.


BionicSammich t1_j265bsf wrote

Yep, I had Arya V3s briefly so I've some idea what I'm getting into.

P.S. Happy cake day!


radrod69 t1_j23etny wrote

Wait, I've always heard the Arya V2 has weaker bass than the V3. Might be worth looking into if you'll want the same slam as before.


BionicSammich t1_j23ibn5 wrote

I watched a video on the V2 vs V3 from the headphone show and the guy said at one stage that the V2 has more slam/impact and then later said the V3 has better slam/impact! That left me a bit confused. The frequency response graphs for both are very similar. I must watch a few more videos, but being that this used pair is half the price of a new pair of V3s, I'd say will get over it if it's a tiny bit different.


AnotherMax2021 t1_j224jji wrote

Congrats! I haven't tried these yet, but I'm a big fan of the Meze sound.


beeglowbot OP t1_j226by3 wrote

Thanks! I'm a planar fan, specifically HIFIMAN but man....these are fun as hell. I don't know if it's the excitement of something new or what but I feel like I'm enjoying every song I put on. The tuning brings out parts of songs that are normally not that forward, so it makes it all feel so new lol.


LTHardcase t1_j22v2mw wrote

I wish Meze would make a closed-back version of this set. I'd totally buy it. Can't see myself finding reason to buy an expensive dynamic open-back while my Arya is still alive.


covertash t1_j24ntyo wrote

> while my Arya is still alive

Don't jinx it...


LTHardcase t1_j24r1sn wrote

Said while performing ancient, forbidden strengthening rituals. I only produce children to feed them to the Hifiman gods.


CPOx t1_j23ijmo wrote

I am debating between buying these exact 2 headphones, so I really appreciate your write up.

Whenever you have the free time, would you be willing to compare 1 more song between the two of them?

“Albatross” by Big Wreck. I briefly owned the Edition XS and the acoustic guitars in this song would tickle my ear drums and I really enjoyed that sensation (especially after 0:30). I imagine the Arya Stealth would also have a similar presentation, but I am wondering if the 109 will still have the tickling sensation. Any other thoughts between the two headphones on this song?

Thanks in advance if you take the time to do this!


beeglowbot OP t1_j24ede8 wrote

AM only had the SD version of it but I a/b'd them anyway.

The acoustic guitar you mentioned sounds more natural on the Arya's , the 109's adds a bit more twang as each pluck falls away. That could be the tuning. They both have the same tickle, so they both have what you described. However, because the 109 brings everything in closer to you, it's a lot more enjoyable. I don't want to say musical but that's what it sounds like. lol

His vocals are fairly similar after 1:00, 109's brings out his raspiness slightly more; especially after 1:20 where he strains a bit and does his vibrato thing. Again, that's likely because the soundstage isn't as wide so everything is more intimate. But because the 109's are just warmer, it makes this track more enjoyable. For me personally, it would get a bit fatiguing listening to this on the Arya but that's totally subjective.

All in all, if you're strictly going after the airy top ends with huge soundstage, go with Arya. But if you're willing to sacrifice any of that even a little bit, the 109 should probably be strongly considered (at least from my limited time with it); the cost difference vs performance is kind of too good to ignore. Are you willing to give up a bit of the Arya's soundstage to save $400? I'm kind of leaning towards yes.


lx_mcc t1_j23wn9l wrote

I posted a couple pics mine a week or so back and noted it had a fine mesh behind the driver cover. Looking at your one photo it looks like yours doesn't have that and I'm really curious if there are any other differences.


beeglowbot OP t1_j2496oa wrote

You're right, I took a look at your photo and mine doesn't have that. How strange.


headphonehabit t1_j24y7vv wrote

How is the treble? I've seen some reports that the treble is a bit too spicy.


beeglowbot OP t1_j254dv4 wrote

it's comparable to the Arya, but rounded off a bit at the very tippy tops. So slightly less sibilance with the very sharp material. I don't feel like it's too bright but I'm coming from planars.


cc781983761 t1_j2c4nq5 wrote

I owned Arya v2 and 109, the 109 sounds much harsher. I have to lower the volume quite a bit to enjoy it:(


ww_abuser t1_j21rvpp wrote

I thought these were gonna be $300 going by your review. LoL. It's $700
