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Brymlo t1_j0encoq wrote

What do the Cadenzas do better than the Zeros?

The thing that bugs me the most from the Zeros is their weak bass response on some tracks. I somewhat fixed that with some narrow-opening eartips (I use the oval ones from the Klipsch S4) and taping the front vent with clear tape. Have you tried that with your zeros? If so, how they compare with those fixes to the cadenzas? Been eyeing them, but idk if they are really a big upgrade.


omenOfperdition t1_j0f03vx wrote

I'm a bit curious about what OP has to say about this, but I also own both the Cadenzas and the 7Hz Zeros, and I personally like the Cadenzas more. The overall sound is more rich and "fun" in my experience, while the Zeros come off a bit too neutral for me. After listening to a few tracks by Roosevelt (synth pop stuff), the Zeros have very nice upper clarity, but I would agree with you on the bass response holding them back a bit. I feel like I like the Zeros for the vocal side of things, and the Cadenzas for the rhythm/bass side of things.

Not sure if I'd say the differences are big enough for the Cadenzas to be a considerable upgrade though. They both sound great to me, but after typing all of this up, I'm keeping the Cadenzas in my ears.