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InFortunaWeLust t1_j254s9f wrote

Reply to comment by None098 in HD8XX & RME Adi-2 by None098

EQ works good on these. I listen to Hip Hop aswell, although I sometimes prefer the HD-58X for hiphop cause it doesnt separate all the sounds in the mix + puts the rapper's voice more forward in the presentation. So you hear the music all blended together and behind the rapper so to say. But the HD-8XX sound amazing with well mastered music of anykind, you got an amazing setup there!

I got my 8XX with zeo's code for 700bucks and some change and for this price its one of the deals of the century imo. enjoy


None098 OP t1_j2588u6 wrote

Right now I’m pleased with my set up, but I would love to get more pairs of headphones over the next couple of years!

That’s awesome! I got my HD8XXs for 900, but I actually got my ADI-2 for 900 and some change! Huge deal that I got from Sweetwater and it was brand new :)