Submitted by coffeeismydrug_ t3_zyisxs in headphones

I don't get why the T2's have been forgotten, it's still a amazing set of cheap iems for smooth listens. And they're pretty great for gaming too,as they have a lifted treble wich push the details a little more forward than on the majority of cheap iems, and have a decent imaging and soundstage for iems. These are criminally underrated nowdays.



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Tanker0921 t1_j26dpl2 wrote

I don't think that the t2's can be enjoyed without a cable. Unless you "Enjoy" the feeling of wearing iems without playing music


coffeeismydrug_ OP t1_j2622di wrote

Sorry for the quality of the image, I'm not good with photography


RonnieGirlUwU_ t1_j26ohiu wrote

What’s in the cup?


coffeeismydrug_ OP t1_j26pp2c wrote

Coffee and milk


matefeedkillrepeat_8 t1_j26x7qy wrote

Thats a lot of milk lol


coffeeismydrug_ OP t1_j281548 wrote

Yep. I've stopped to drink soda, so sometimes I make my coffee quite sweet


Aggressive-Fig-5923 t1_j28c993 wrote

When I stoped drinking it I really missed the fizzy, I started drinking fizzy water and it really helped - if you find yourself missing it


coffeeismydrug_ OP t1_j28cvp2 wrote

Actually, i can't stand to drink soda anymore, it feels so "heavy". I much prefer water and coffee.


dadu1234 t1_j26deq5 wrote

they are not forgotten, just a legend of a different era of IEM.


Timequake-Droid t1_j26hwpb wrote

I think the idea that we are in a new modern era of IEMs is mostly marketing gobledygook.

It's designed to try to get people to buy newest stuff at the highest cost they will ever be. Even though, this stuff doesn't have software or batteries and the real value proposition is buying stuff that didn't come out in the last year

But the algorithm, and the affiliate links don't reward that time of judicious consumer approach.

So we have to pretend that we're in some golden age and you have to buy stuff that came out in the last three months.


dadu1234 t1_j26y4uv wrote

mmm bro the salnotes zero, chu, cadenza etc. literally costs less (?) what you don't understand of what i'm trying to say is the t2 were considered the best for its price a couple years ago, but today, 20$ IEMs are better than what it was a couple years ago, even better than the t2. so don't think too shallow and think that we want the newest things with the highest cost, it may be just you that think that way.


ostuniman t1_j297jwn wrote

Would you buy a iPhone 5 or 14? Wouldn’t the newer models be better?


PopcornIsDaBest t1_j280pbm wrote

Almost any iem gets forgotten in a matter of months these days, the market evolves so fast to the point where there are iems for cheaper than the T2 that better adhere to common target curves or preferences, which could explain why the T2 isn’t as relevant these days


Blesss t1_j274n41 wrote

i think you’ve got some coffee in your milk


Timequake-Droid t1_j26hqa0 wrote

I don't really think they have been forgotten. At least not by regular users. They have been forgotten by YouTubers because they need to sell you the newest stuff from the same company.

They create a fallacy then all of a sudden IEM tech has never been better and you have to buy stuff made in the last year or you're missing out

I think the opposite is true. I think the best value proposition is buying something like tin t2. Would you can now off and find on discount.


Bibingka_Malagkit t1_j287bwa wrote

It's just that they're still at $50 on most parts of the world, that's why the other newer and cheaper releases with a neutral-leaning tuning get more attention such as the Salnotes Zero and Moondrop Chu.

If you value the build quality and deem it worth the extra monnies, then the Tin T2 might be good for you.

Tin T2 user here and I love my set despite its flaws.


Ausemere t1_j27eqrd wrote

I also have the T2s and the same SpinFits but yet the fit is bad for me. But most headphones have bad fit for my weird ears.


snozerd t1_j271oat wrote

I have some t2's and the mmcx connector relegated them to the closet. My bluetooth hooks use 2 pin and my upgrade cable is also 2 pin.


dadu1234 t1_j2ah7fy wrote

if you want a t2 with 2 pin getg the dlc version, people said it is good


Nickslife89 t1_j27g9rq wrote

I use my t2s for working out and cardio, I use my 600s for gaming. The t2s are awesome. What kinda drink is that?


AmirZ t1_j2dgust wrote

The good old 2017 days. I still have mine but they've just been outclassed by Moondrop and Salnotes Zero.