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MashMayoru t1_j1mnis0 wrote

Yeah well obviously theoretically there can't be zero flaws, but some of them are so universally good that had you not compared them you would never think it's lacking in anything...


YalamMagic t1_j1mop3k wrote

Yeah definitely. Especially with regards to frequency response; all of them are so close to neutral that most people would see them as flawless. I think what I really meant was that every headphone at the high end has one or two things thar they do much, much better than others, so relative to that, all high-end headphones are "flawed" in some way.


MashMayoru t1_j1mpah6 wrote

yeah I can see that, sometimes I imagine if there's anything that somewhat combined the strengths of the flagships, and so far the closest I've heard is probably x9000 or bravura...