Submitted by CammyFloof t3_zvaxfi in headphones


Salnotes Zero

Finally I have a pair; of what you may ask?, The 7HZ Salnotes Zero, possibly one of the most hyped-up IEMS since the renowned Moondrop Chu and for good reason! These cost £20.99 off Amazon which I feel is fair for the product delivered


The Salnotes Zero personally fit my ears very well with superb comfort and weight distribution, the cable wraps snuggly behind your ear whilst being relatively non-obstructive however the cable has microphonics but it’s mostly a low rumble that isn’t intrusive when moving about. The cable is flat and has a metal 3.5mm connector and splitter with a plastic slider.

I’ve heard people mention they don’t sit in their ears very well and as a result of this have an impaired sub-bass response (I found this to be a non-issue in my personal testing)

Included tips are weird, there are different bore sizes but they don’t widely vary in overall dimension

Build quality:

The body is made of solid plastic with a metal brushed face pate bearing the Salnotes logo, this feels well secured and will most likely not be prone to falling off, the removable cable ensures user replacement is easy and stress-free should you wish to upgrade or the original becomes damaged and no longer serviceable



Upper treble extension is rather poor and uncontrolled, it has a splashy characteristic to it when cymbals hit, hi-hats feel slightly unresolved and recessed but overall the response is smooth enough. Timbre is slightly metallic but not nearly as bad as the Moondrop Chu

Mid Range:

Male vocals come through upfront with rich and full-bodied with natural articulation at the price point, electric guitars come through with bite, body and articulation and snares have punch and depth.


Bass extension in my testing cleanly extended down to 15hz, It is cleanly detached from the midrange without bleeding, letting everything punch through with sufficient weight, there’s a lack of slam and exaggerated punch but sub-bass and kick drums come through without much hesitation, There’s a slight sense of warmth in the mid-bass which adds a layered sense of nuance and depth to vocals and instruments such as pianos. Bass dynamics could be improved.


Whilst not the most detailed or dynamic-sounding iem on the market, it presents instruments naturally and articulating which makes for a pleasing listening experience. Macrodynamics and such are acceptable, different passages are rich with contrasting dynamics There’s not much width or soundstage at all and it all sounds very much inside your head.


This is a very balanced and well-tuned iem that leans towards being neutral leading itself to present the source with unbias tonal balance and natural reproduction.

Comfort is totally acceptable and the fit is stable and for myself would not be prone to fall out during intense activity.

I am very happy to see the advancements in the chi-fi space finally quality audio can be accessible to more people than ever before and at an affordable price may I add, this is a huge step up from the likes of KZ people may have been buying just 2 years or more prior.



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Rengoku_demon_slayer t1_j1qfuw3 wrote

I'm just waiting mine to be delivered here.

Since i'm moving from KZ EDX which is very V shaped, the Zero will serve me much better i believe with the more neutral tuning.